Me pueden ayudar con esta tarea q mi cabeza revienta porfavor
Respuestas a la pregunta
dice que escribas los verbos como si estuvieran en tercera persona, seria asi
play-plays go-goes wash-washes
teach-teaches drive-drives carry-carries
fly-flies start-starts help-helps
kiss-kisses watch-watches tidy-tidies
like-likes enjoy-enjoys cry-cries
mix-mixes clean-cleans take-takes
la segunda completa las oraciones con los verbos, esto dependiendo si esta en tercera persona o no, asi
1. peter and his friends go to school by bus
2. elephants eat leaves and grass
3. david´s father works in a hospital
4. the bank opens at 9:30 and close at 4:30
5. Tom and Jim play football every day after school
6. pur lessons start at 9:00 and finish at 3:30.
7. my pen friend lives in japan.
la tercera completa el verbo "be" in present simple asi:
1. jhon is tired
2. tiffany and uma are my friends
3. ricardo, jhon and i are watching a movie
4. hadil is kind
5. alisa is young
6. the hammer is new
7. the example is hard
8. she is always late
ojala ayude :3
I'm going to help you.
- Play: Plays - Go: Goes - Wash: Washes
- Teach: Teaches - Drive: Drives
- Carry: Carries - Fly: Flies - Start: Starts
- Help: Helps - Kiss: Kisses - Watch: Watches
- Tidy: Tidies - Like: Likes - Enjoy: Enjoys
- Cry: Cries - Mix: Mixes - Clean: Cleans
- Take: Takes
1. Peter and his friends go to school by bus
2. Elephants eat leaves and grass
3. David's father works in a hospital
4. The bank opens at 9:30 and closes at 4:30
5. Tom and Jim play football every day...
6. Mr Jones is a teacher. He teaches history
7. Our lessons start at 9:00 and finish at 3:30
8. My pen friend lives in Japan
1. John is tired
2. Tiffany and Uma are friends
3. Ricardo, Richard and I are watching a movie
4. Hadil is kind
5. Alisa is young
6. The hammer is new
7. The exam is hard
8. She is always late