Inglés, pregunta formulada por anacastro23jr, hace 16 horas

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Mesa Verde is a National Park in Colorado. The name means "green table" in Spanish, and it refers to the local table-top mountains.

The first people who lived in villages on top of the "mesas" were known as the Basketmakers. The first Basketmakers lived as far back as 9,000 years ago. However, they were not the only inhabitants; other tribes have lived there since that time.

In the 7th century CE, the inhabitants of the region started building sandstone houses into the cliffs. The houses contain multiple apartments with separate rooms. These houses are called Pueblos, and their creators were called Puebloans. The largest Pueblo is the Cliff Palace, which was home to more than 100 people at one time.

At some point in the 13th century, the Puebloans left the area after many years with little rain. This is called a drought. The lack of rain made it difficult to grow enough food, which is why the Puebloans had to move.

Although the Basketmakers and ancestral Puebloans have been gone for centuries, the area is still important to Native American tribes that descended from them. Furthermore, the Pueblo structures are still in excellent condition and can be visited by tourists. If you ever visit Mesa Verde National Park, you can visit them yourself.

Which of the following is true about the Basketmakers?

A They were the first inhabitants of the Mesa Verde area.

B They built structures called Pueblos.

C They left their homes due to a drought.

D They are the Native Americans who live in the area today.

anacastro23jr: a n

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Contestado por gaonamaria701


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