Inglés, pregunta formulada por emigmt, hace 9 meses

me pueden ayudar a resumir esto en 25 palabras Submarine Volcanoes A submarine volcano is found underwater. Most of the magma from all volcanoes in the world actually come from submarine volcanoes, but of course we can’t see it because the volcanoes are so far below the ocean. On average they are located 2,500 meters below sea level. The sea floor of the Pacific Ocean, which is estimated to have thousands of underwater volcanoes, is shaped by the eruptions. Because the eruptions happen in water the process is different to above ground. The hot lava is immediately cooled by water and the outer surface of the volcanic flows becomes glass. It is very difficult for scientists to detect underwater volcanic eruptions; however, advances in technology mean they can now listen to the sound waves that the eruptions produce. This system means we know a lot more about how often and where submarine volcanoes are erupting on ocean floors all around the world.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por YisusCraisYS


A submarine volcano is found underwater. On average they are located 2,500 meters below sea level.  

Most of the magma from all volcanoes in the world actually come from submarine volcanoes.

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