Inglés, pregunta formulada por sarahirangel652, hace 6 meses

Me pueden ayudar............​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por valeriafuentes73458



                          affirmative       negative                    Interrogative

1. if i feel sad   if i feel sad       If i feel sad i don't     Do you go to see

                        i see memes     think in bad things    memes if you feel sad?

2.When i have   when i have     when i have             Do you talk to someone

a problem       a problem i talk   a problem i          when you have a problem?

                      with my family     don't stay in my bed

3.If i want to   if i want to watch   if i want to watch      Do you Turn up your

watch TV      TV i turn it up         TV i don't play with    TV if you want to

                                                        my phone.                watch it?

4.When i have   When i have      when i have a lot      Do you do your home-

a lot of home-     a lot of home-   of homework i           work early if it´s a lot?

work                   work i do it          don't feel happy


5.If i feel sick     if i feel sick i go    if i feel sick i don't     Do you go to the

                        to the doctor        want to do anything    doctor when you're


6.When i have   When i have   When i have exams    Do you study when

exams           exams i study      i don't go out.            you have exams?

7.If my             If my father     if my father has to        Do you miss your

father has     has to travel i    travel i don't feel      father when he has to

to travel      miss him              very happy              travel?

8.If my friends   If my friends     If my friends        Do you go to a party if

invite me to a    invite me to a     invite me to       your friends invite you?

party                party i go           a party i don't

                                                miss the party.

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