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Los osos o úrsidos (Ursidae) son una familia de mamíferos carnívoros.[1] Son animales de gran tamaño, generalmente omnívoros ya que, a pesar de su temible dentadura, comen frutos, raíces e insectos, además de carne. Sin embargo, el oso polar, debido a la escasez de otras fuentes de alimento, se alimenta casi únicamente de carne.[2]Con sus pesados cuerpos y sus poderosas mandíbulas, los osos se cuentan entre los mayores carnívoros que viven en la Tierra. Un macho de oso polar pesa en promedio 500 kg y alcanza una talla de hasta 130 cm a la altura de la cruz.[3] Se mueven con un caminar pesado, apoyando toda la planta de los pies (son, por lo tanto, animales plantígrados). Tienen orejas cortas y cola rudimentaria
Los osos se caracterizan por su gran cabeza, orejas pequeñas, redondeadas y erectas, ojos pequeños, un cuerpo pesado, robusto y una cola corta. Las patas son cortas y poderosas, con cinco dedos provistos de uñas fuertes y recurvadas. Son plantígrados (como los humanos, apoyan toda la planta del pie al caminar) y pueden desplazarse cortas distancias erguidos sobre las patas traseras. Cuando lo necesitan, pueden ser sorprendentemente ágiles y cuidadosos en sus movimientos. El sentido del oído y la vista no son buenos, pero poseen un olfato excelente. La hibernación, esto es la capacidad de permanecer semidormidos durante la época del año donde el clima es desfavorable, es un fenómeno común, al menos entre las especies de Ursus.
Los osos actuales miden entre 1 y 2,8 m de longitud total y tienen una masa de entre 27 y 780 kg (existen registros de machos de oso polar de alrededor de una tonelada). El macho suele ser un 20 % más grande que la hembra. El pelaje es largo y espeso, y generalmente de un solo color, a menudo marrón, negro o blanco. Como excepciones, el oso de anteojos tiene un par de círculos de pelo blanco rodeando los ojos y el oso panda, tiene un patrón de coloración blanco y negro bien definido.
En cuanto a la dentición, los incisivos no se encuentran especializados, los caninos son elongados, los primeros tres premolares se encuentran reducidos o ausentes y los molares poseen una corona ancha y baja especialmente apta para una alimentación omnívora.
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Bears or Ursids (Ursidae) are a family of carnivorous mammals. [1] They are large animals, usually omnivores because, despite their fearsome teeth, they eat fruits, roots and insects, as well as meat. However, the polar bear, due to the scarcity of other sources of food, feeds almost exclusively on meat. [2] With their heavy bodies and powerful jaws, bears are among the largest carnivores living on Earth. A polar bear male weighs on average 500 kilograms and reaches a size of up to 130 cm at the height of the cross. [3] They move with a heavy walk, supporting the whole plant of the feet (son, therefore, planted animals). They have short ears and rudimentary tailBears are characterized by their large head, small ears, rounded and erect, small eyes, a heavy, sturdy body and a short tail. The legs are short and powerful, with five fingers with strong, curved nails. They are plantigrades (like humans, supporting the entire sole of the foot in walking) and can move short distances erect on the hind legs. When needed, you can be surprisingly agile and careful in your movements. The sense of hearing and sight are not good, but they have an excellent sense of smell. The hibernation, this is the capacity of permanence semmobile during the time of the year in the climate is unfavorable, is a common phenomenon, less in the species of Ursus.
The bears are between 1 and 2.8 m in total length and have a mass between 27 and 780 kg (there are records of polar bear males of around one ton). The male is usually 20% larger than the female. The coat is long and thick, and usually of a single color, a small brown, black or white. As an exception, the spectacled bear has a pair of white hair circles surrounding the eyes and the panda bear has a well defined black and white coloring pattern.
As for the dentition, the non-specialized incisors, the canines are elongated, the first three premolars are reduced or absent and the molars have a wide and low crown especially suitable for omnivorous feeding.
Bears or Ursids (Ursidae) are a family of carnivorous mammals. [1] They are large animals, usually omnivores because, despite their fearsome teeth, they eat fruits, roots and insects, as well as meat. However, the polar bear, due to the scarcity of other sources of food, feeds almost exclusively on meat. [2] With their heavy bodies and powerful jaws, bears are among the largest carnivores living on Earth. A polar bear male weighs on average 500 kilograms and reaches a size of up to 130 cm at the height of the cross. [3] They move with a heavy walk, supporting the whole plant of the feet (son, therefore, planted animals). They have short ears and rudimentary tailBears are characterized by their large head, small ears, rounded and erect, small eyes, a heavy, sturdy body and a short tail. The legs are short and powerful, with five fingers with strong, curved nails. They are plantigrades (like humans, supporting the entire sole of the foot in walking) and can move short distances erect on the hind legs. When needed, you can be surprisingly agile and careful in your movements. The sense of hearing and sight are not good, but they have an excellent sense of smell. The hibernation, this is the capacity of permanence semmobile during the time of the year in the climate is unfavorable, is a common phenomenon, less in the species of Ursus.
The bears are between 1 and 2.8 m in total length and have a mass between 27 and 780 kg (there are records of polar bear males of around one ton). The male is usually 20% larger than the female. The coat is long and thick, and usually of a single color, a small brown, black or white. As an exception, the spectacled bear has a pair of white hair circles surrounding the eyes and the panda bear has a well defined black and white coloring pattern.
As for the dentition, the non-specialized incisors, the canines are elongated, the first three premolars are reduced or absent and the molars have a wide and low crown especially suitable for omnivorous feeding.
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