Inglés, pregunta formulada por christiananthonylope, hace 6 meses

me podrian ayudar si es de ingles

Present simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Exercise 1

Choose the correct form.

I ...... a letter now.

a) write b) am writing c) am writting

Susan ...... the garden at the moment.

a) is diging b) digs c) is digging

Jane ...... to bed at 10 o'clock on weekdays.

a) goes b) is going c) go

I am in London this summer. I ..... English.

a) learn b) am learning c) learning

We ...... our friends very often.

a) are seeing b) seeing c) see

My brothers ...... letters every week.

a) writes b) are writing c) write

The bus sometimes ...... in the morning.

a) is arriving b) arrive c) arrives

James is a student. But he ...... this week.

a) works b) work c) is working

Lions ..... in Africa.

a) are living b) live c) is living

Our train ...... the platform.

a) just leaves b) just leave c) is just leaving

Sue ...... with Greg.

a) is going out b) goes out c) gos out

My parents ...... TV now.

a) are watching b) watch c) watching

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por medusalvajexdxd
I AM WRITING a letter now

Susan IS DIGGING the garden at the moment

Jane GOES to bed at 10 o’clock on weekdays

I am in London this summer. I AM LEARNING English

We SEE our friends very often

My brother WRITES letters every week

The bus sometimes ARRIVES in the morning

James is a student. But he WORKS this week

Lions LIVE in Africa

Our train IS JUST LEAVING the platform

Sue GOES OUT with Greg

My parents ARE WATCHING TV now

Espero te sirva :)
Contestado por sofisofimr
1. C
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. A
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