Inglés, pregunta formulada por huguitogarflop5apw8, hace 1 año

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Receta de Gelatina mosaico con yogur


 3 Sobres de Gelatina de sabores 28 Gramos de Grenetina natural 1 Litro de Yogur natural 2 Latas de Media crema 2 Latas de Lechera o Leche condensada

Pasos a seguir para hacer esta receta:


Hacemos las gelatinas de sabores siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. Ya que estén cuajadas las cortamos en trocito o cuadritos.


Mientras cuajan las gelatinas de colores, pones a hidratar la grenetina en una taza de agua fría.Una vez hidratada pones a calentar una taza de agua y se la pones a la grenetina hasta q esté bien disuelta.


Aparte, revuelves el yogur con la leche condensada y la media crema hasta estén bien integradas.

La media crema es una crema de leche parecida a la nata pero que tiene menos grasa, si no la puedes conseguir en el supermercado, puedes hacerla tu mismo con la receta de media crema. También puedes hacer la lechera con la receta de leche condensada casera o leche condensada sin azúcar.


Para terminar de hacer la gelatina de yogur, agregas la grenetina a la mezcla y revuelves bien. Entonces, coloca los los cubitos de gelatina de colores en un molde y cubre con la mezcla de leche y yogur.


Refrigera la gelatina mosaico con yogur al menos unas tres horas para que cuaje bien y a disfrutarla

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por davidsanasegurp5adu2
 3 flavors gelatin envelopes 28 grams natural grenetina 1 liter natural yogurt 2 cans of half cream 2 cans of milk or condensed milk

we make the gelatine of flavors following the instructions of the manufacter. As they are curled we cut them in small pieces or squares. 

while the coloured gelatins are set, you hydrate the grenetina in a cup of cold water. Once hydrated put to heat a cup of water and you put it to de grenetina until it is well disolved

Apart, stir the yogurt whit the condensed milk and the half cream until they are well integrated.

The half creamis a cream that is to cream but has let fass, if you can not get in the supermarket, you can make it yourself whit the recipe of half cream. You can also make the dairy with the recipe for homemade condensed milk or sugar-free condensed milk

to finish making the yogurt gelatin, add the grenetinato the mixture and stir well. Then place the colored gelatin cubes in a moldand cover with the milk and yogurt mixture.

refrigerate the gellatin mosaic with yogurt at least about three hours so that setting well and injoy it.   

huguitogarflop5apw8: Gracias <3
Contestado por FJVC09


Mosaic gelatin recipe with yogurt


3 Sachets of flavored gelatin 28 grams of natural grenetina 1 liter of natural yogurt 2 cans of medium cream 2 cans of milk jug or condensed milk

Steps to follow to make this recipe:

1. We make the flavored jellies following the manufacturer's instructions. Once they are curdled, we cut them into pieces or squares.

2. While the colored gelatins are curdling, put the gelatin to hydrate in a cup of cold water.Once hydrated, heat a cup of water and add it to the gelatin until it is well dissolved.

3. Besides, you stir the yogurt with the condensed milk and the half cream until they are well integrated.

Half cream is a heavy cream similar to cream but that has less fat, if you can't get it in the supermarket, you can make it yourself with the half cream recipe. You can also make the milk churn with the recipe for homemade condensed milk or unsweetened condensed milk.

4. To finish making the yogurt jelly, add the gelatin to the mixture and stir well. Then, place the colored gelatin cubes in a mold and cover with the milk and yogurt mixture.

5. Refrigerate the mosaic gelatin with yogurt for at least three hours so that it sets well and you enjoy it


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