Inglés, pregunta formulada por sp6420631, hace 11 meses

Me podrian a ayudar a saber cual s la correcta entre some o any

Circle the correct answer.

1- There aren’t some / any help.

2- Do you know some / any Americans?

3- We need some / any more coffee.

4- She’s got some / any interesting friends.

5- I didn’t have some / any breakfast today.

6- He hasn’t done some / any work for ten years.

7- Have you got some / any brothers and sisters?

8- I’m having some / any problems with my car.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por andreamartinrangel


1) any

2) any

3) some

4) some

5) some



8) some

ramirezrangel2008: Cómo así bebé No te entiendo
ramirezrangel2008: Explícame porfa
ramirezrangel2008: Explícame porfa
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