Me podéis hacer una historia basada en estas imágenes en inglés por favor? Doy puntos!!!
Respuestas a la pregunta
One night, Camilo left his house looking for fireflies. Suddenly, tears began to fall from the sky, Camilo said, meaning that it was raining. after a while it stopped raining, but Camilo found a black cat. It was said that if you find one you will have bad luck, so Camilo ran away. but he tripped over a rock so slippery that he fell hard and broke his leg. he returned to his house in pain, sad that he had not found a firefly. the end.
eraze una vez en una noche oscucura un gato negro que traia mala suerte a todo el mundo y una noche un hombre llamado brandon be al gato pero cree que no pasa nada entonses este hombre se tropieza y cae se fractura un brazo, lloviendo este hombre se moja en un charco asta que se encontro un trebol y se le quito la mala suerte fin.
once upon a dark night there was a black cat that brought bad luck to everyone and one night a man named brandon be the cat but he thinks nothing is wrong so this man trips and falls breaks his arm, raining this man falls wet in a puddle until a clover was found and the bad luck was removed end.
ay ta