Inglés, pregunta formulada por mamaninicol524, hace 2 meses

me ayudan porfis es de la materia de ingles con should y would hay que reemplazar en las oraciones correctas ​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por anagarcia3425
1- we SHOULD follow the traffic rules

2- There SHOULD be a law against this.

3-WOULD you pass the salt please?

4-I thought it WOULD rain so I brought my umbrella

5-He SHOULD seem to be getting better

6-If I lost my job, I WOULD have no money

7-The president is insisting that pollution WOULD be reduced

8-He said that he WOULD help me

9-WOULD you mind lending me your bicycle?

10-Profits WOULD increase next year

11- SHOULD that it were true!

12-She said that she would buy some eggs

WOULD se utiliza usualmente como sinónimo de “podrías” ejem: Would you pass me the sugar? (Podrías pasarme el azúcar? o Would you come please? (Vendrías por favor?)

Mientras que SHOULD se utiliza como “debería” ejem: You should eat vegetables (Deberías comer vegetales) o You should study for the exam (Deberías estudiar para el examen)

Espero que te sirva :)

mamaninicol524: y no había negativos ??
anagarcia3425: Según yo no
mamaninicol524: bueno gracias
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