me ayudan porfavor con esto doy coronita 90 puntos corazon y les sigo ma 10 puntos mas plis
Respuestas a la pregunta
You should eat healty food.
You should eat vitamins.
You should take weight monotoring.
You should take health monotoring.
You should do regular activity.
You shouldn't eat a lot of sweet.
You shouldn't eat a lot of fast food.
You shouldn't drink alcohol.
You shouldn't have a sedentary life.
You shouldn't smoking.
Do you like cooking? Yes, I do./No, I don't. (eso debes elegir tú)
a.- Make beautiful and delicious meals, excotic and colorful dishes.
b.- Cooking methods and tips to other.
Shouldn't=no debes
Respuesta: you should eat healthy food
you should take vitamins
you should do regular activity
you should have weight monitoring
you should have health monitoring
you shouldn't eat lots of sweets
you shouldn't eat lots of fast food
you shouldn't drink alcohol
you shouldn't have sedentary life
you shouldn't smoke
1ra de la 2da hoja xd
Yes, I do
the ability of teachs others
share their saucers
Explicación: puedes verificar por si las moscas pls lindo día