Inglés, pregunta formulada por mateograndaagudelo, hace 7 meses

Match the questions on the left with the correct answer on the right. Por favor ayuda


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por cesamara


1. C

2. H

3. F

4. A

5. G

6. I

7. J

8. E

9. D

10. B


Contestado por Usuario anónimo


1. Has he finished university yet?

C) No, he hasn’t graduated yet.

2. Have you eaten breakfast yet?

H) No, I haven’t. I’ll eat in a few minutes.

3. Have they gotten married yet?

F) No, they haven’t. They’re still engaged.

4. Has the president finished speaking yet?

A) No, he hasn’t. He’s still talking.

5. Has Mary watered the plants yet?

G) No, she hasn’t. They are still dry.

6. Has the doctor seen you yet?

I) No, he hasn’t. He is with another patient.

7. Has the sun come out yet?

J) No, it hasn’t. It’s still raining.

8. Have they finished their homework yet?

E) No, they haven’t finished yet.

9. Has the class begun yet?

D) No it hasn’t. The teacher isn’t here yet.

10. Have you read the paper yet?

B) No, I haven’t. My wife’s still reading it.


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