make a written with all thing that you used to do, use at least 50 words
hardly ever
porfaaaaa es para mañana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cuando era niño solía ver a Mazzinkizer y soñaba con ser Kohi Kabuto - dijo de repente sin hacer caso a mi comentario anterior [...]fanfics.clWhen I was a kid I used to see Mazzinkizer on TV and dreamed about being Kohi Kabuto - he suddenly said disregarding my [...]fanfics.clCuando era niño, solíamos ir a nadar a la piscina. oceansentry.orgWhen I was a child, we would go to the swimming pool and it was more than murky. oceansentry.orgCuando yo era niño solía participar en colección de donaciones para eventos de los diversos grupos deportivos a los que yo pertenecía.almightydad.comWhen I was a kid I used to participate in fund raising events for the various sports clubs that I belonged to. almightydad.comCuando era niña, Yukako solía tener como lugar de juegos los escenarios de danza. web-japan.orgAs a young girl, Yukako used the dance studio as her playground. web-japan.orgCuando yo era niño solía cargar montones de ligas.almightydad.comWhen I was a kid I used to hoard rubber bands. almightydad.comCuando era niño en nuestra granja, mi padre solía llevarme a los campos secos, a caminar lentamente sobre el terreno preparado [...]lwf-assembly2003.orgWhen I was a boy on the farm, my father would take me into the dry fields and walk slowly across the ground prepared for sowing-before the rains came. lwf-assembly2003.orgYo sé porque cuando yo era niño yo solía escoger los regalos más espantosos para mi papá. almightydad.comI know because when I was a kid I picked out the most god awful presents for my dad. almightydad.comSegún recuerda, "cuando era niña mi madre solía decir: 'no te preocupes, que si has sido buena, puedes esperar hasta el [...]infosurhoy.comWhen I was a child, my mother used to say: 'Do not worry, if you have been a good girl, you should wait until January 6th [...]infosurhoy.comPara Keith, la exploración de Irlanda a pie empezó cuando era unniño, cuando solía seguir su padre quien hacia carreras en las montanas. giantscausewaytours.ieHiking and exploring in Ireland began for Keith when he was just a babog, been dragged all around Ireland and up and down [...]giantscausewaytours.ieMi padre trabaja en una empresa discográfica cuando yo era niño, ysolía traernos a casa un montón de LPs. dg-111.comMy father worked in a recording company when I was a boy, and he used to bring a lot of LPs home with him. dg-111.comSe dice que cuando santo Tomás era niño solía preguntar siempre a la gente: "¿Qué es Dios? cidalc.op.orgIt is said that when St Thomas was a child he used to always ask people: 'What is God?
moffitt.orgCan you remember any situation, even when you were a child, whenyou felt calm, peaceful, secure, hopeful, or comfortable?
moffitt.orgCan you remember any situation, even when you were a child, whenyou felt calm, peaceful, secure, hopeful, or comfortable?
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