Inglés, pregunta formulada por absomdarmendo, hace 8 días

Letters from readers - This month, we are featuring some of your unusual experiences.
A - Abby: One day I was in the middle of a spelling test, when my head started hurting. I didn’t pay much
attention to it at first because I had often had headaches before and I decided to try to finish the test. However,
as I started to write the next word in the test – ‘conscientious’ I think it was – something strange happened. I
couldn’t remember how to write. When I looked down at what I’d written, the letters were in the wrong order
and didn’t mean anything. Then I put up my hand and tried to speak to my teacher, but I couldn’t. It was as if a
cloud had descended over my brain, making me incapable of communication.
I was taken to hospital, where the doctors were mystified, but said it may have been a migraine – a severe
type of headache that can have a strong effect on the body. They told my parents to monitor the situation and
make sure I got lots of rest. I was a bit scared and so were my mum and dad, I think. What if I stayed like this
forever? Fortunately, there was an improvement in my condition just a few hours later. Gradually, things began
to make sense and by that evening I was able to communicate normally again. Since then I’ve read that what I
experienced is called temporary aphasia and that it sometimes accompanies certain kinds of headache. The
experience has made me really appreciate the power of words. You don’t know what you have until it’s taken
B - Jasmine: My strange experience happened on holiday in California with my mum and dad. It was a balmy
August afternoon and my dad and I had decided that in order to cool off we would go for a dip in the sea. The
temperature of the water was just perfect. We waded into the deep waters and started swimming. After half an
hour or so, we noticed a pod of dolphins swimming nearby. As they got closer, we thought they wanted to play
with us. It was incredible. Then they started circling us. At first, the circle was quite big but it soon got smaller
and smaller until the dolphins were so close to us that we could have reached out and touched them! It was
amazing to be in such close proximity to a group of wild animals and yet not feel threatened by them in any
way. On the contrary, we felt the dolphins were trying to communicate with us in a friendly way.
After about ten minutes, they swam away and my dad and I swam back to the beach, where my mum was
waiting anxiously. Before we had a chance to tell her about our amazing experience, she told us something
that freaked us out completely. Someone thought they had spotted a shark in the water near where we had
been swimming! It was only then that the dolphins’ behaviour began to make sense. If there really had been a
shark, then maybe it was about to attack and they had surrounded us in order to protect us. We’ll never know
for sure, but it’s just possible that those dolphins
saved our lives.
C - Matthew: My wife and I have always been fond of animals, which is why, in 2009, we decided to accept
the ownership of a zoo in our home town of Devon. We found the first couple of years extraordinary, especially
in the spring months when numerous young were born and Lucy and I spent endless nights with little sleep
looking after what felt like our own children. We enjoyed looking after all the animals but felt a particularly
strong bond between ourselves and the gorillas. It could be because we seemed to understand each other. If
they wanted something or if something had happened, they were usually able to get the message across.
One spring, Blanca, one of the female gorillas, had a baby. However, regrettably she didn’t seem to feel she
had the ability to look after her young daughter and one day she signalled to us to take her away. We were
unsure what to do but finally decided that this was the best option. From that day, Blanca’s daughter Cola has
lived with us in our house. We have adopted her and now she is part of our family. She lives with us, has her
own room and despite being an animal, she is able to let us know through hand signals all of her desires and
needs. Who said that animals can’t talk?

Read the letters and answer these questions.
1 What does Abby suffer from frequently?

2 What did she later discover about her condition?

3 What did the dolphins do to Jasmine and her father?

4 Why was Jasmine’s mum worried?

5 What was Matthew and Lucy’s relationship with the gorillas like compared with the other animals at the zoo?

6 How does Cola communicate what she wants?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jcarhuarupaydelgado4

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espero que te ayude

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