Inglés, pregunta formulada por zona2816seccionc, hace 6 meses

Lesson 3 » Being Clean is Cool and Fun!
1. Use the photos to answer the questions,
1. What do you use to brush your teeth? I use a toothbrush and toothpaste
2. What do you use to wash your hair?
3. What do you use to brush your hair?
4. What do you use to smell nice?
5. What do you use to cut your nails?
2. Complete the survey about you. Write full sentences.
Write full sentences using always, often, sometimes, or never
How often do you ...
have a shower?
brush your teeth?
wash your hair?
brush your hair?
cut your nails?
use deodorant?
3. Read about Santiago's hygiene routine. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of
the verbs.
Santiago I lives (live) in a very hot city. For this reason, he ?
(have) a shower twice
a day (sometimes three times in a day when it is very hot): in the morning before school and
when he
(arrive) home. Sometimes he 4
(have) a shower before going
to bed. He also
(wash) his hair every day because of the temperature. He only
(brush) his teeth twice a day because he can't do it at school. In hot weather nails
grow faster, so he
(cut) his nails twice a week. So, as you can see, routines can be
different for many people!​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por malexc12


at 5:00 he is milking a cow

at 5:30 giving food to the chicks

at 6:00 giving water to the horse

and at 7:00 he went to school


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