Inglés, pregunta formulada por briyithzema, hace 7 meses

leer el siguiente texto encuentre y señale el verbo to - be
responder en ingles las preguntas sobre la lectura.

son 2 preguntas en una 1,

por favor ayúdenme


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por viictoria01



1- Paul is a new students

2- He is 14 years old

3- Mery and Yacky are her sisters

4- He is 12 years old

5- He live in Colombia

6- His parents

7- Because they are together

briyithzema: gracias, pero la señalación del texto, verbo to-be
Contestado por LayaaBellido


●Who is Paul? : Is a new student

●How old is he? : He is 14 years old

●Who are Mery and Jacky? : They are his sisters

●How old is Peter? : He is 12 years old

●Actually,where does Paul live? : He lives in Colombia

●What are Alice and Jean? : They are his parents

●Why is Paul happy? : Because he cares that he and his family are together

Y en la 1

Solo tienes que marcar o subrayar : Am,Is,Are

briyithzema: ok gracias
Otras preguntas