Inglés, pregunta formulada por vickydelosangeless, hace 18 horas

Learning at home.
In Britain some families feel that learning at home is better than going to school. Home schooled children can choose when they want to learn. Does this sound more enjoyable than school? Adrian is a science Prodigy and he wants to start university by the age of fourteen. H e finds school lessons easier than most children, but making Friends more difficult. At home ,he can spend more time on his favourite subjects and is preparing to take many of his exams early. Does he ever take a break? “yes” he says “I don´t study subjects I´m not interested in”.
Holly´s parents weren´t happy with the local school, so they made a decisión to teach her at home. Her favourite subject is History and she often goes to museums to study. “I couldn´t do that before” she says , “this is more interesting than school was”. Her parents are always happy to help her.
Adrian and Holly love larning at home, but some people think than studying at school is more useful because it trains you for adult life. It teaches you to be with people you don´t like, but it can also help you to make Friends. Are these things more important than lessons? What do you think?
Read the text. Tick the correct box.
The writer of the text…
Thinks that home-schooling is wrong.
Says home-schooling is better for everyone.
Ask the reader to decide if home-schoolong is a good idea.

Match 1-6 with a-f
Some British children don´t c
Home-schooled children have more ____
Adrian is not very good at ____
Science lessons at school are ____
Holly´s parents chose to ____
School can help you to learn ____

Making new Friends.
How to make Friends.
Go to school.
Very easy for Adrian.
Choice about the subjects they learn.
Teach her at home.

Rewrite the sentences using the negative form.
I´m English. _______________________________________
The video games are very popular. _______________________________
Simon likes pop music. _______________________________
They live in the north of the city. ____________________________
I visited my grandparents at the weekend. ______________________________
You wrote an email in English. __________________________________________

Write sentences using the present continuous.
We/ watch/ a DVD
They/ not protect/ tigers
I/ feed / my two dogs.
She / not swim/ in the river.
The bear / hunt/ in the mountains.
I/ not hide/ in the tree.

Write sentences using the past simple affirmative and negative.
Pele/play / tennis.

Queen Victoria /live/in Poland

We/ buy/ a house

Complete the sentences with : was, were, wasn´t or weren´t
_________that new DVD interesting?
My favourite Singer last year_______Rihanna.
Don´t worry!! The exam ____________difficult!!
Who ______________your favourite teachers at primary school?
David is in hospital. He_____at the football match today.
________you at the party on Saturday?

Write sentences affirmative or negative with will or won´t
It/be/very hot in the Amazon
We/see/ a lot of interesting animals.
I/not sleep/ in a comfortable bed.
You/take / a lot of potos.
Jessica/ not talk/ on the satellite phone.

Personal questions.
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What´s your favourite soccer player?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you practice sports?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por ramongalicia0309


no me lo quites quiero ganar puntos plis xd


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