Inglés, pregunta formulada por franpil12, hace 11 meses


Jefferson Leonardo Pérez Quezada

He was born on July 1, 1974 in Cuenca in the neighborhood “El Vecino”, certainly one of the most traditional neighborhoods of the city. Unfortunately his father died when he was six years old. So, his blind mother became the head of the family. Because of his family’s financial state his life was somewhat limited. He studied primary at Eugenio Espejo and Gabriel Cevallos schools, and studied secondary at Francisco Febres Cordero High School, Throughout his youth he always combined his studies with activities which helped him support his family.

In every home children learn through the example of their parents, and though their mother’s example

Jefferson and his brother: Fausto and Fabián, with their sisters, Marcia and Fanny, learned the importance of loyalty, effort, and work well-done.

When he was in eighth grade and because of his desire to maintain high grades in all subjects, including physical education, he asked his brother if he could train in his stead in the athletics team to obtain a good place in the endurance race. There the trainer, Luís Muñoz encouraged him in training and in a few weeks his relation with athletics and speed-walking began. His whole career was filled with glory, but his most important triumphs were from 1990 with a bronze medal in the World Youth Games in Bulgaria, and then another world-class medal in Seoul as well as medals in the Pan-American, Bolivarian and South American Games. After all this, he obtained the greatest award for any sportsperson the gold medal at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996.

Finally, Jefferson Pérez was nominated by computer users worldwide from all over the world as the Best Ibero-American Sportsperson of the year 2007. Perez finished first with more than 90% of the votes, easily beating the Mexican, Lorena Ochoa, the golf champion, and Kaká, the Brazilian soccer player.


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por VictoriaAngelica


Regular: died, limited, studied, combined, helped, learned, asked, encouraged, filled, obtained, nominated, finished.

Irregular: was, became, done, began, were.


los verbos regulares son aquellos a los que se les agrega e o ed Al final de la palabra, ejemplo de play sería played.

los verbos irregulares son aquellos que cambian su escritura. para estos vas a tener que buscar la tabla de los verbos irregulares y aprenderlos de memoria.

si te dan ejercicios como este localiza todos los verbos, o sea, acciones y busca las que tengan ED al final. esas son las regulares, las demás irregulares.


Contestado por carmen88260820


nose ayuda por fa

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