Inglés, pregunta formulada por rogelio1237, hace 29 días

Late yesterday afternoon I (prepare) 1. __was preparing___________ dinner, when the doorbell (ring) 2. ___rang__________. I (put) 3. _____________ everything down and (rushed) 4. _____________ to answer it. I (open) 5. _____________ the door and (find) 6. _____________ a delivery man standing in my doorway. He (hold) 7. _____________ an express mail package and (need) 8. _____________ me to sign for it. While I (deal) 9._____________ with the delivery man, the phone (ring) 10. _____________. I (excuse) 11. _____________ myself and (reach) 12. _____________ for the phone. While I (try) 13. _____________ to talk on the pohne and sign for the package at the same time, my youn son (run) _____________ up to me to tell me about the cat. The cat (try) 14. _____________ to catch a big fish in my husband´s prized aquarium. The fish (swim) 15. _____________ frantically to avoide the cat´s paw.
I (say) 16. _____________ an abrupt goodbye to the telemaketer on the phone and (hang) 17. _____________ up. I (thank) 18. _____________ the delivery man and (shut) 19. _____________ the door. I (yell) 20. _____________ at the cat and (shoo) 21. _____________ her away from the fish tank. Then I (sit) 22. _____________ down in and easy chair and (stay) _____________ there until I (beign) _____________ to feel calm again. But as soon as I (feel) 23. _____________ like everything was under control, the doorbell (ring) 24. _____________ again. Then the phone rang. Then my son said, “Mom! Mom! The dog is in the refrigerator!” I couldn´t move. “What´s next?” I said aloud to no one in particular.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por holabigail73


kbkv BB me xmh de me c un f cv ja si la x no ha tu b



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