Inglés, pregunta formulada por hrcdaniel15, hace 18 horas

Karol hello l hope you to be fin in this letter l want ton tell you that you are very beautiful you would be completely happy with me you are a really special person when I am pretty shy, what I feel for you is kind of difficult to explain in a nutshell I am totally in love with you ice heart and I will be waiting for your answer.

cOmo se pronuncia ayuda.. ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Cetm


Estudie algo de fonetica asi que te ayudare con los sonidos mas cercanos posibles

Karol hello l hope you to be fin in this

Karlo jelou ai joup iu tu bi faind in diz

letter l want ton tell you that you are

leder ai want tu tel iu dat iu are

very beautiful you would be completely

beri biutiful iu wud bi campletli

happy with me you are a really special

japi wi mi iu ar a rili espechial

person when I am pretty shy, what I feel

person wen ai am pridi chai , what ai fil

for you is kind of difficult to explain in a

for iu is kaind ov dificult tu igzplein in a

nutshell I am totally in love with you ice

natchel ai am totali in lav wi iu aiz

heart and I will be waiting for your answer.

jart an ai wil bi weidin for iur anzer

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