Inglés, pregunta formulada por penalozai179, hace 4 meses

Jestion tag
A. Complete the sentences with the correct tag ending.
Present Continuous
1. You are my friend, ........... .?
1. She isn't studying,
2. You don't like carrots,
2. Your dog is sleeping,
3. My sister is at your home,
? 3. Her friend is calling you,
4. Jane lives in São Paulo,
4. Mary and Peter aren't working,
5. Roger and Jack are students,
? 5. Miss Smith and you are dating.
Past Continuous
1. My friends were invited,
1. They were exercising,
2. George didn't study,
2. Samantha was running,
3. She paid you,
3. Mary and Peter weren't playing,
4. Susan was at home,
4. Silvio wasn't watching a movie,
5. Laura called you,
5. She was living in Rio,
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
1. My sister has arrived,
1. You hadn't slept early,
2. They have traveled, ..................?
2. She had met him,
3. You haven't bought it,
3. He had come,
....... .?
4. Bob and you have met,
4. We hadn't been late,
5. We haven't watched it,
5. They had played a lot,
Modal Verbs
1. You will visit me,
? 1. She can come,
2. We are going to travel,
? 2. They should studying
3. He isn't going to talk to me,
? 3. You wouldn't cheat,
4. They won't arrive, ..............?
4. It couldn't fail,
5. She will invite me,
5. He shouldn't stay home,

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por aqui0nomas


En el futuro trata de arreglar el formato de tu texto para hacer más fácil ayudarte.

Present simple

  1. You are my friend, aren't you?  
  2. You don't like carrots, do you?  
  3. My sister is at your home, isn't she?
  4. Jane lives in São Paulo, doesn't she?
  5. Roger and Jack are students, aren't they?

Present continuous

  1. She isn't studying, is she?
  2. Your dog is sleeping, isn't it?
  3. Her friend is calling you, isn't he?  
  4. Mary and Peter aren't working, are they?  
  5. Miss Smith and you are dating, aren't you?

Past simple

  1. My friends were invited, weren't they?
  2. George didn't study, did he?
  3. She paid you, didn't she?
  4. Susan was at home, wasn't she?
  5. Laura called you, didn't she?

Past continuous

  1. They were exercising, weren't they?
  2. Samantha was running, wasn't she?
  3. Mary and Peter weren't playing, were they?
  4. Silvio wasn't watching a movie, was he?
  5. She was living in Rio, wasn't she?

Present perfect

  1. My sister has arrived, hasn't she?
  2. They have traveled, haven't they?
  3. You haven't bought it, have you?
  4. Bob and you have met, haven't you?
  5. We haven't watched it, have we?

Past perfect

  1. You hadn't slept early, had you?
  2. She had met him, hadn't she?
  3. He had come, hadn't he?
  4. We hadn't been late, had we?
  5. They had played a lot, hadn't they?


  1. You will visit me, won't you?
  2. We are going to travel, aren't we?
  3. He isn't going to talk to me, isn't he?
  4. They won't arrive, will they?
  5. She will invite me, won't she?

Modal verbs

  1. She can come, can't she?
  2. They should study, shouldn't they?
  3. You wouldn't cheat, would you?
  4. It couldn't fail, could it?
  5. He shouldn't stay home, should he?


El propósito de estas expresiones que se usan al final de las oraciones es pedir confirmación a la persona a la que nos dirigimos. Su equivalente en español sería "¿verdad?", "¿cierto?", "¿no?", "¿o sí?" u "¿o no?"

Simplemente usamos el verbo auxiliar (be, will, do, have, should, could, would, etc.), en caso de no haber uno (como en el caso del presente simple y pasado simple) se usa el verbo "do":

  • Jane lives in São Paulo. (Jane vive en São Paulo. El verbo auxiliar sería "does" ya que "Jane" es 3ra persona singular.)
  • You haven't (have not) bought it. (No lo has comprado.)

Ponemos el verbo auxiliar de nuevo al final, pero si está en afirmativo se hace negativo, y si está en negativo se hace afirmativo:

  • Jane lives in São Paulo, doesn't
  • You haven't bought it, have

Finalmente se pone el pronombre que le corresponde al sujeto de la oración, y un signo de interrogación. Ya que es una pregunta, el verbo auxiliar va primero:

  • Jane lives in São Paulo, doesn't she? (Jane vive en São Paulo, ¿no?)
  • You haven't bought it, have you? (No lo has comprado, ¿verdad?)
Contestado por mjvo95

Los tag question son preguntas cortas que se colocan al final de la oración.

¿Qué son los tag question?

Los tag question o preguntas de confirmación son preguntas cortas que se colocan al final de la oración para comprobar o descartar una información se pueden traducir como ¿verdad?, ¿cierto? ¿sí?, ¿o no?, ¿no es así?

Se forman usando un verbo auxiliar y un pronombre. Si la oración antes del tag question es positiva el tag question debe ser negativo, si la oración es negativa el tag question debe ser positivo.

A. Complete the sentences with the correct tag ending.

Present simple

You are my friend, aren't you?  

You don't like carrots, do you?  

My sister is at your home, isn't she?

Jane lives in São Paulo, doesn't she?

Roger and Jack are students, aren't they?

Present continuous

She isn't studying, is she?

Your dog is sleeping, isn't it?

Her friend is calling you, isn't he?  

Mary and Peter aren't working, are they?  

Miss Smith and you are dating, aren't you?

Past simple

My friends were invited, weren't they?

George didn't study, did he?

She paid you, didn't she?

Susan was at home, wasn't she?

Laura called you, didn't she?

Past continuous

They were exercising, weren't they?

Samantha was running, wasn't she?

Mary and Peter weren't playing, were they?

Silvio wasn't watching a movie, was he?

She was living in Rio, wasn't she?

Present perfect

My sister has arrived, hasn't she?

They have traveled, haven't they?

You haven't bought it, have you?

Bob and you have met, haven't you?

We haven't watched it, have we?

Past perfect

You hadn't slept early, had you?

She had met him, hadn't she?

He had come, hadn't he?

We hadn't been late, had we?

They had played a lot, hadn't they?


You will visit me, won't you?

We are going to travel, aren't we?

He isn't going to talk to me, is he?

They won't arrive, will they?

She will invite me, won't she?

Modal verbs

She can come, can't she?

They should study, shouldn't they?

You wouldn't cheat, would you?

It couldn't fail, could it?

He shouldn't stay home, should he?

Ver más sobre los tag questions aquí

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