Individualism, which considers the primordial individual, as a unique person and in the exercise of their full freedom, above all collective aspects.
Freedom as an inviolable right that refers to various aspects: freedom of thought, expression, association, of the press, etc., the only limit of which is the freedom of others, and which must constitute a guarantee against interference of government in the lives of individuals.
The principle of equality between people, understood in what refers to various legal and political fields. That is, for liberalism, all citizens are equal before the law and before the State.
The right to private property as a source of development and individual initiative, and as an unalterable right that must be safeguarded and protected by law.
The establishment of civil codes, constitutions, and institutions based on the division of powers (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) and on the discussion and solution of problems through assemblies and parliaments.
Religious tolerance in a secular state.
These are the main
The establishment of civil codes, constitutions, and institutions based on the division of powers (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) and on the discussion and solution of problems through assemblies and parliaments.
These are the main
1 It means respecting and accepting the existence of different ways of seeing the world, 2. - It indicates not believing in any religion, 3. - Applying the values of respect, love and tolerance.
Respuestas a la pregunta
El individualismo, que considera al individuo primordial, como persona única y en el ejercicio de su plena libertad, sobre todo en los aspectos colectivos.
La libertad como derecho inviolable que se refiere a diversos aspectos: libertad de pensamiento, expresión, asociación, de prensa, etc., cuyo único límite es la libertad de los demás, y que debe constituir una garantía contra la injerencia del gobierno en la vida. de los individuos.
El principio de igualdad entre las personas, entendido en lo que se refiere a diversos ámbitos legales y políticos. Es decir, para el liberalismo, todos los ciudadanos son iguales ante la ley y ante el Estado.
El derecho a la propiedad privada como fuente de desarrollo e iniciativa individual, y como derecho inalterable que debe ser salvaguardado y protegido por la ley.
El establecimiento de códigos civiles, constituciones e instituciones basadas en la división de poderes (Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial) y en la discusión y solución de problemas a través de asambleas y parlamentos.
Tolerancia religiosa en un estado secular.
Estos son los principales:
Significa respetar y aceptar la existencia de distintas formas de ver el mundo, 2. - Indica el no creer en ninguna religión, 3. - Aplicar los valores del respeto, amor y la tolerancia.
Espero que te ayude bay
Freedom as an inviolable right that refers to various aspects: freedom of thought, expression, association, of the press, etc., the only limit of which is the freedom of others, and which must constitute a guarantee against interference of government in the lives of individuals.