Inglés, pregunta formulada por aem587, hace 12 días

III Circle the correct option.
1 You can't / don't have to water the flowers because it is raining.
2. We must / mustn't hurry. I don't want to be late again.
3. Tim must / doesn't have to go to school tomorrow because it's Sunday.
4. Can / should you help me with my homework, please?
5 I must / can't go out tonight. I'm babysitting my little cousins.
6. You shouldn't / mustn't listen to music on your mp3 player when you drive a car.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por natvaldm


  1. Don't have
  2. We must
  3. Doesn't have
  4. Can
  5. Can't go
  6. Shoudn't
Contestado por hell0kitty00
1-You DON’T have to water the flowers because it is raining.

2-We MUST hurry. I don’t want to be late again.

3-Tim DOESN’T have to go to school tomorrow because it’s Sunday.

4-CAN you helo me with my homework,please?

5-I CAN’T go out tonight. I’m babysitting my little cousins.

6-Yoy SHOULDN’T listen to music on your mp3 player when you drive a car.
Otras preguntas