Inglés, pregunta formulada por valerygonzalezr, hace 1 día

IIdentificar los verbos y clasificarlos en verbos regulares e irregulares.
presente y pasado simple
ntroduction to the Renaissance

Exciting changes started happening in Europe beginning around the 1400’s.
People woke up to the world around them. Art, literature, and philosophy came
alive with new ideas. This time-period, which ended about 1600, is known as the
Renaissance. “Renaissance” comes from the Latin word meaning “rebirth.” The
Renaissance was the rebirth of learning in Europe after the Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire. Throughout the
Middle Ages, the thoughts of very wise classical philosophers were lost and
forgotten. The papacy controlled everything and wanted people to live righteously.
They wanted people to think only about theology, or the study of God. Noblemen
had to follow the Catholic Church, or they would be excommunicated, or kicked
out. Peasants were too tired with their daily toil to pursue any interests like art or
writing. Neither people, nor their ideas, traveled very far because of constant
warfare. People were not as curious about the world around them. This is why the
Middle Ages is sometimes called the Dark Ages.
During the Renaissance, all of this changed. If the Middle Ages were dark,
the Renaissance was the bright dawn of a new era. Scholars and teachers began to
rediscover the old thoughts of the classical philosophers from Greece and Rome.

Instead of just accepting everything the leaders of the church said, people wanted
to experience and learn about the world for themselves. Ships began exploring
different parts of the world. They brought back new goods to trade. People started
to explore new thinking too. They realized that they didn’t just have to study their
religion. They could enjoy many things here on earth, too. They called their new
philosophy humanism because it focused on humans, not just God.
The Renaissance movement got its start in Italy in the early 1300’s. More
and more ships began arriving from foreign places to Italy’s many port cities. With
them came goods to trade and many new ideas. Art, literature, thought and
government began to blossom. Cities started to form. A new middle class of
merchants grew from all the foreign trade. These middle-class people had money
and time to explore art and literature. They were not as stuck in the tradition of
the church as the noblemen were, and they had more freedom than peasants did.
Eventually, these changes would spread to the rest of Europe’s mainland. But first,
They arrived in Italy — via the sea!

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por JesusPerez677



usa el traductor de gogle

Contestado por cristhianadrian66


wtff amigo :000 no entendí

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