A. Give up.
B. Taken up.
C. Puts up.
D. Hurry Up.
1. I’m going to ______ (dejar) drinking beer.
2. Rafael has _____ (dedicar) photography.
3. I don’t know how my wife
______(aguantar, soportar) me. I drink too much.
4. If you don’t ______ (darse prisa), we will miss the train.
A. Grew up.
B. Wash up.
C. Keep up with.
D. Wake up.
1. I live in Madrid now, but I _____( crecer) in a small village in Argentina.
2. Leave the dirty dishes until tomorrow. I’ll _______(fregar) in the morning.
3. My parents find it very difficult to ______ (mantenerse al día, estar al tanto de) technology.
4. I’m going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow I have to _________ (despertarse) at 6:30
Respuestas a la pregunta
Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:
Answer 1:A) I'm going to give up drinking beer.
Translation 1: Voy a dejar de beber cerveza.
Answer 2:B) Rafael has taken up photography.
Translation 2: Rafael se ha dedicado a la fotografía.
Answer 3:C) I don't know how my wife puts up me. I drink too much.
Translation 3: Yo no sé como mi esposa puede aguantarme. Yo bebo demasiado.
Answer 4:D) If you don't hurry up, we will miss the train.
Translation 4: Si no te das prisa, perderemos el tren.
Answer 1:A) I live in Madrid now, but I grew up in a small village in Argentina.
Translation 1: Ahora vivo en Madrid, pero crecí en un pequeño pueblo de Argentina.
Answer 2:B) Leave the dirty dishes until tomorrow. I'll wash up in the morning.
Translation 2: Deje los platos sucios para mañana. Yo fregaré por la mañana.
Answer 3:C) My parents find it very difficult to keep up with technology.
Translation 3: A mis padres les resulta muy difícil mantenerse al día con la tecnología.
Answer 4:D) I'm going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 6:30.
Translation 4: Me voy a acostar temprano esta noche. Mañana tengo que despertarme a las 6:30.