Inglés, pregunta formulada por ni13571capitan, hace 4 meses

Identify the verbs on the text
* Identify the tense of the verbs
+ Comprehension
+ Write some questions with wh?
A Lion had come to the end of his days and lay sick un to death at the mouth of his
cave, gasping for breath
The animals, his subjects came round him and drew nearer as he grewmore and
more helpless
When they saw him on the point of death they thought to themselves. Now is the
time to pay off old grudges."
So the Boar came up and drove at him with his tusks; then a Bull gored him with
his horns; still the Lion lay helpless before them: so the Ass, feeling quite safe from
danger, came up, and turning his tail to the Lion kicked
up his heels into his face.
This is a double death,"growed the Lion.
Only cowards in sult dying majesty'.​

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traducelo y busca los verbos

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