Inglés, pregunta formulada por principe97, hace 9 meses

I what should you do to be a good students . what shoul dont you do ? write sentenses​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mateolombeida2017


You should fulfill your tasks and duties

Deberias cumplir con tus tareas y deberes

You must respect your teachers

Debes respetar a tus maestros

You must not disrespect your teammates

No debes faltar el respeto a tus compañeros

You must not disrespect your teammates

No debes faltar el respeto a tus compañeros

Ahi ta joven gringo :3

principe97: gracias
Contestado por arvrv1


be responsible in our chores and responsibilities in the studies to fulfill the tasks and study

What should not be done is to stop doing the tasks

and leave it for another day

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