Inglés, pregunta formulada por joaquinalcoser78, hace 9 meses

I.- Read the newspaper story and number the sections in order (1-10) THE TOUGHEST DECISION OF ALL – TO LIVE OR DIE
 As they were coming down the mountain, Simpson fell and broke several bones in
his right leg.
 For over an hour, Yates held onto the rope. He was exhausted, but he knew that if
he cut the rope, his partner would fall to his death.
 After three and a half days in subzero temperatures, climbers Joe Simpson and
Simon Yates reached the top of 21,0000 foot Siula Grande mountain in Peru, They
didn´t realize it at the time, but their adventure was only just beginning.
 Finally, he made it back to the camp, just at the astonished Yates was about to
leave. Simpson later wrote a best selling book his terrifying experience, which
became a movie called Touching the Void.
 Then Yates started to slip towards the edge of the mountain. He was worried that
if he continued to hold on, they would both die. He decided his only option was to
cut the rope and save himself.
 Simpson´s accident was a disaster, with no hope of rescue and no food or water,
both men knew the odds were against them, if they didn´t continue down the
mountain fast they would both die.
 Things were going well until suddenly Yates realized his injured partner was
hanging in mid air over a crevasse. He tried to pull Simpson back up, but couldn´t.
 Yates took out his knife, cut the rope and fell back into the snow. Later, he looked
for Simpson, but couldn´t find him. Convinced that his friend was dead, he
continued down the mountain alone.
 But Simpson survived and for three days he dragged himself for miles without food,
water or painkillers.
 They decided to be themselves to each end of a 300 foot rope, and Yates lowered
Simpson down the mountain in a slow, painful process.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Genio13soypro


- Lea la historia del periódico y numere las secciones en orden (1-10) LA DECISIÓN MÁS DIFÍCIL DE TODOS: VIVIR O MORIR

 Mientras bajaban la montaña, Simpson cayó y se rompió varios huesos

su pierna derecha

 Durante más de una hora, Yates se aferró a la cuerda. Estaba exhausto, pero sabía que si

si cortaba la cuerda, su compañero caería a la muerte.

 Después de tres días y medio en temperaturas bajo cero, los escaladores Joe Simpson y

Simon Yates alcanzó la cima de la montaña Siula Grande de 21,0000 pies en Perú, Ellos

No se dio cuenta en ese momento, pero su aventura apenas estaba comenzando.

 Finalmente, regresó al campamento, justo cuando el asombrado Yates estaba a punto de

salir. Simpson luego escribió un libro superventas sobre su aterradora experiencia, que

se convirtió en una película llamada Touching the Void.

 Entonces Yates comenzó a deslizarse hacia el borde de la montaña. Estaba preocupado de que

si continuaba aguantando, ambos morirían. Decidió que su única opción era

cortar la cuerda y salvarse.

 El accidente de Simpson fue un desastre, sin esperanza de rescate y sin comida ni agua,

ambos sabían que las probabilidades estaban en contra de ellos, si no continuaban por el

montaña rápida, ambos morirían.

 Las cosas iban bien hasta



joaquinalcoser78: Esto está mal
joaquinalcoser78: yo te dije a la 1 hasta las 10
joaquinalcoser78: :(
Genio13soypro: mmmmmmm
Genio13soypro: :(
joaquinalcoser78: por favor ayúdame
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