Inglés, pregunta formulada por laylaa149, hace 17 horas

I ______ my room
a) clean
He ______ the dishes
a) do
We ______ food
a) buy
b) buys
She _____ to bed late
a) go
You ____ here
a) sleep
b) sleeps
They never _____ dinner
a) cook
b) cooks
It ___ in the park
a) run
b) runs
Emma and I ____ TV
a) watch
b) watches
The dog ____ with me
a) walk
b) walks
The kids ____ a lot
a) play
b) plays
We ____ the recorder
a) practice
b) practices
Cats ____ mice
a) chase
b) chases
Emily and Tom ______
a) sing
b) sings
You _____ apples
a) like
b) likes

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por anitarivas2350
I (clean) my room.
He (does) the dishes.
We buy) food.
She (goes) to bed late.
You (sleep) here.
They never (cook) dinner.
It (runs) in the park.
Emma and I (watch) TV.
The dog (walks) with me.
The kids (play) a lot.
We (practice) the recorder.
Cats (chases) mice.
Emily and Tom (sing).
You (like) apples.
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