Inglés, pregunta formulada por prolakoala14, hace 1 mes

I. Find the mistakes and correct them. (I. Encuentre los errores y corríjalos.)

1. This city’s in the Midwest of the United States. _______________________________
2. It’s the bigest city in Illinios. ______________________________________________
3. Three millions of people live here. _________________________________________
4. The popularest tourist spot is the Ferris wheel. _______________________________
5. The most good way to travel is by train. _____________________________________
6. It’s faster that driving. ___________________________________________________
7. Chicago are a great place to visit. __________________________________________

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Elinteligente007


1. The city is in the Midwest of the United States.

2. It's the biggest city in Illinois.

3. Three million people live here.

4. The most popular tourist spot is the Ferris wheel.

5. The best way to travel is by train.

6. It's faster than driving.

7. Chicago is a great place to visit.

prolakoala14: te daría corona peor no me deja :c
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