Inglés, pregunta formulada por malejaerazo31, hace 8 meses

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present continuous, using the verbs in brackets.(Affirmative form)
Rellenar los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del presente continuo, usando los verbos en paréntesis. (Forma afirmativa)
• Charles is closing (close) the gates.
• Carlos está cerrando las puertas.
1. He ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______________________________ (learn) how to write.
2. We ___________¬¬¬¬_¬¬¬________________ (have) a good time together.
3. The kids __________________________ (wash) the dishes.
4. Shirley__________________________ (study) French at university.
5. The taxi __________________________ (stop) in that corner.
6. The monkey _______________________________ (mimic) to the boy.
7. Lucy and Robert __________________________ (drink) orange juice.
8. I __________________________ (write) a poem now.

II. Write the following sentences in the negative form.
Escriba las siguientes oraciones en forma negativa.
• Math teachers are explaining some exercises.
• Math teachers aren’t explaining some exercises.
• Los profesores de matemáticas no están explicando algunos ejercicios.
1. Mary is sleeping in her bedroom.
• __________________________________________________
• __________________________________________________
2. Steven is running in the countryside.
3. Susan and Michael are living in Europe.
4. He is eating an ice cream.
5. The students are reading a newspaper.
6. I am doing my homework.
7. My cousin is asking a question.
8. My father in law is cleaning his car.

III. Write the following sentences in interrogative form.
Escriba las siguientes oraciones en forma interrogativa.
• You are saying the truth.
• Are you saying the truth?
• ¿Estás tú diciendo la verdad?

1. They are dancing at the disco.
• _______________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________
2. Alexandra is looking at the map.
3. They are riding their bikes in the countryside.
4. We are visiting an historical city.
5. She is sunbathing at the beach.
6. They are eating sushi at a Japanese restaurant.
7. The baby boy is driving his little car.
8. Peter and Arthur are making a fire to cook their dinner.
9. We are finishing our activity.

Usuario anónimo: whatf
Usuario anónimo: todo esto en ingles dios mio
leonkuka: usa traductor tontis}

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por abitorres1313


1. it is learning

2. are having

3. were washing

4. are studying

5. stop

6. are mimicking

7. are writing

8. am drinking

Contestado por gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones con los verbos en los paréntesis en el tiempo verbal present continuous en su forma afirmative, negative e interrogative.

I. The affirmative form

1. He is learning how to write.

2. We are having a good time together.

3. The kids are washing the dishes.

4. Shirley is studying French at university.

5. The taxi is stopping in that corner.

6. The monkey is mimicking the boy.

7. Lucy and Robert are drinking orange juice.

8. I am writing a poem now.

II. The negative form

1. Mary isn't sleeping in her bedroom.

2. Steven isn't running in the countryside.

3. Susan and Michael aren't living in Europe.

4. He isn't eating an ice cream.

5. The students aren't reading a newspaper.

6. I am not doing my homework.

7. My cousin isn't asking a question.

8. My father in law isn't cleaning his car.

III. The interrogative form

1. Are they dancing at the disco?

2. Is Alexandra looking at the map?

3. Are they riding their bikes in the countryside?

4. Are we visiting an historical city?

5. Is she sunbathing at the beach?

6. Are they eating sushi at a Japanese restaurant?

7. Is the baby boy driving his little car?

8. Are Peter and Arthur making a fire to cook their dinner?

9. Are we finishing our activity?

¿Cuándo se usa el present continuous?

Se usa cuando hablamos de acciones que se están haciendo en el momento o planes a futuro. Las oraciones afirmativas tienen la siguiente estructura dependiendo del sujeto de la oración:

  • Sujeto (I) + am + verbo en ing + complemento.
  • Sujeto (he, she, it) + is + verbo en ing + complemento.
  • Sujeto (you, we, they) + are + verbo en ing + complemento.

Para ver más oraciones en present continuous puedes consultar aquí: y


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