Inglés, pregunta formulada por tellomelany395, hace 4 meses

I. Choose the correct answer 1. I ____ in a bank. a) works b) working c) work d) workies 2. He ____ in Canada. a) doesn't live b) don't live c) not live d) not lives 3. We ____ every day. a) run b) running c) runs d) runes 4. You _____ a new car. a) don´t buy b) doesn´t buys c) not buy d) not buys 5.- They ____ play soccer. a) plays b) playes c) play d) playing II. Choose the correct option 1. We eat…. At 7:30 a) s b) es c) ies d) no 2. My sister wash…….. her car. a) s b) es c) ies d) no 3. I work….. on Saturdays a) s b) es c) ies d) no 4. Angel drink.... coffee a) s b) es c) ies d) no 5. It go… to the park. a) es b) ies c) s d) no III. Complete the questions. Use DO / DOES a. ________________you watch films? b. ________________they play soccer? c. ________________she drink milk ? d. ________________Alberto work on Saturdays ? e. _________________ I eat pizza? IV. Complete the sentences in the negative form. Use DON´T / DOESN´TT a. You __________walk to school. b. They__________ cry a lot. c. She ___________ work in a company. d. He _____________study Spanish. e. We ____________ surf on internet.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por millarayestrada07

Respuesta: 1.C, 2.A, 3.A, 4.A, 5.C


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