I am sure you have heard of Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. In fact, there
is a good chance that you use them. You might also have heard of Skype
and Instagram. These apps are the most popular social media websites. But
what exactly is "social media"?
Respuestas a la pregunta
Social Networks are structures formed on the Internet by people or organizations that connect based on common interests or values. Through them, relationships between individuals or companies are created quickly, without hierarchy or physical limits.
The social media are virtual spaces where a person can interact with others.
¿What are social media?
Social media are applications or websites in which a person registers and can interact, virtually, with other people or companies.
This interaction can have various purposes, from leisure to academic and work.
All the social media that you name are well known and are quite generic, by this I mean that they lend themselves to multiple purposes. But there are also social networks for a more specific purpose, such as LinkedIn, which is to find a job.
En español
Las redes sociales son espacios virtuales en dónde una persona puede interactuar con otras.
¿Qué son las redes sociales?
Las redes sociales son aplicaciones o sitios web en los cuales una persona se registra y puede interactuar, de manera virtual, con otras personas o empresas.
Esta interacción puede tener diversas finalidades, desde ocio hasta académicas y laborales.
Todas las redes sociales que nombras son muy conocidas y son bastante genéricas, con esto me refiero a que se prestan para múltiples finalidades. Pero también hay redes sociales para un objetivo más específico, como por ejemplo LinkedIn, que es para encontrar trabajo.
Otra consulta sobre redes sociales o social media en https://brainly.lat/tarea/36411234