Inglés, pregunta formulada por amaguino, hace 6 meses

How do you feel in the situation that has caused the threat of COVID-19? Why do you feel that way? And above all, is it possible to pass this health emergency with some peace of mind?
In the new coronavirus pandemic we have lived, and continue to live, the full range of emotions that we are capable of. First incredulity: “No, this does not happen here. It happens on the other side of the world. No, it won't get here ”. Denying the reality of a threat is one way of dealing with fear. When the force of reality is imposed with direct evidence, fear is present and provokes other emotions. Anger is the most common. I remember a fellow gym member who complained about the Chinese, "their nefarious habits of eating strange things have caused the epidemic," he said almost violently as if they had caused it. He also complained about the authorities "who do nothing to protect us." It was the beginning of the epidemic, there was no reported case here, but his annoyance prevented her from assessing the situation. Anger, which can even lead to violence, is a form of protection. If the cause - even imaginary - of the threat is found, we can fight it furiously. Defending ourselves is reassuring.
From absurd to paralysis
Reality continued to prevail. There is a real threat, he said to himself, but what is it like? How is it identified? How do I defend myself? Questions without a clear answer make the danger more ambiguous and generate ambiguous answers. Then we saw people nervously moving from side to side, in a hurry, not knowing what to do, until a seemingly sensible idea - how to get supplies - triggered panic purchases. The ambiguity of danger also pushes you to seek more information and then listen to anything, even the most absurd ideas. "You have to gargle lemon", "salt with bicarbonate"; I heard someone say "... as the virus dies with heat, we breathe with a hair dryer everything that faces our nose."
Very intense or permanent fear, as we know, can paralyze; If sustained, despair leads to discouragement, depression, self-abandonment, and even suicidal tendencies. In the middle of the disaster there is also indifference, which leads to the irresponsible behavior of being potential disseminators of evil by not keeping ourselves in quarantine.
Understanding what happens to emotions in the face of imminent threat may seem complicated, but it is possible. Its basic mechanism is quite simple, although its manifestations are varied, as we have already seen. Uncertainty, to varying degrees, is what drives them.
Know a place, say, the house in which we live; Knowing clearly what is happening in our environment and what can be expected to happen produces tranquility, tempers fear and allows us to better face adversity. The certainty relaxes, calms and is a source of pleasure. The opposite: the strange, what we do not understand, and in general the unknown, produces a tension that can increase until it becomes fear.
All living beings fight for permanent existence. It is an irrepressible impulse; It has been called the self-preservation instinct, anything that threatens it sets off the alarm system, fear, which starts the engines to keep us alive at any cost (see How do you see? No. 250). Humans, using imagination and the capacity for abstraction, question everything, even existence. Since we are not that strong, we imagine the possible threats to face them.

amaguino: Lol

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