How did India's contact with rest of the world contribute in the exchange of ideas and commodities?
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The Republic of India maintains a dialogue with the supranational institutions of the European Union; in a different way from the rest of the bilateral relations with the sovereign Member States of the European Union.
Administrative map of the European Union and the European zone
In Asia, the positive public perception of Europe is highest in India.1 In the latter, there is the most populous democracy in the world, it has strong and effective strategic alliances with France, the United Kingdom and Germany.2
The most important areas of programmed cooperation, India-EU-28, are in the domains of education, cultural exchanges, common research in science and technology, and law enforcement.
Even so, the progress of integration has been uneven in recent decades. It has been very impressive in several developing countries in Asia and, to a lesser extent, in Latin America. The success of these countries is due to the fact that they chose to participate in international trade, which helped them capture the bulk of foreign direct investment to the developing world. That's China and India, which liberalized trade and adopted other market reforms, and also higher-income Asian countries like Korea and Singapore, which were poor until the 1970s.
However, in many other countries, especially in Africa and the Middle East, progress has not been as rapid. The poorest have lost a substantial share of world trade and risk being further marginalized if they do not reduce their own barriers. This is the case for around 75 developing and transition economies, including almost all least developed countries. Unlike those that have managed to integrate, these countries are disproportionately dependent on the production and export of traditional commodities. The reasons for this marginalization are complex, encompassing deep-rooted structural problems, weak institutions and regulatory frameworks, and internal and external protectionist structures.