Holaa me podrian ayudar porfavor es para hoy se los agradeceria si no saben no respondan <3:3
1) seleccione 10 verbos irregulares en pasado y escriba una historia corta sobre unas maravillosas vacaciones en inglés
Respuestas a la pregunta
presente. pasado
Go. Went
Know. Knew
See. Saw
Buy. Bought
Drive. Drove
Take. toke
Eat. ate
think. thought
fly. flew
am, is, are. was - were
Hi, everyone!
Now, I am going to talk about my wonderful last vacation to Bogota, Colombia.
When my family and I went to Colombia, We thought in Bogota like the best option.
We bought tickets in the airport. We flew for two hours.
The hotel was Nice. People from Bogota were very Nice and helpful.
We was visiting The Gold Museum. It was a wonderful experience for us.
Also, we were enjoying the tipical good. We ate "sancocho santafereño"
My father rented a car and he drove around the city. We knew several Nice stores.
Well, that's all !
Thanks for reading me