Inglés, pregunta formulada por fede474, hace 8 meses

holaa chicos tengo un problema e profesor de ingles cierra nota el 20 de este mes y no tengo nada si me ayudan con unos trabajos se lo re agradecería.

 Argentina, as well as all Latin America, is now suffering a conservative restoration within the economy and society by the authoritarian government of Mauricio Macri. In order to redistribute capital and restore the privileges of old traditional oligarchies over the rights acquired by working classes and minorities, and because until a year ago there was a woman president, over recent years the mainstream media has been implementing a campaign of promotion of femicide and objectification of women. This war against women (especially indigenous women and migrants) has resulted in extreme cases of femicide and in dramatic deeds of institutional violence. A women is murdered every 26 hours in Argentina. We now have a group of indigenous women incarcerated as political prisoners because of their activism, and many women are imprisoned for having abortions, for defending themselves against their aggressors and even for not being able to defend their children against violent relatives. In the case of transgender women, there is an intent to destroy them as such. For all these reasons, since 2015 we are building up a horizontal, transversal and popular women’s movement under the declaration Ni Una Menos that has grown massively within the country and across the region. Our most urgent claims in Argentina are: 
–Decriminalization of abortion; 
– Stop femicides and transfemicides
 – Equal distribution of income and labor (women's wages are 27% less than male workers, female unemployment is 10.5% - men’s unemployment is 8.5 %);
 – Stop labor precarization;
 – Full implementation of the Law of Sexual Education; 
– Stop trafficking of women;
 – Stop persecution of migrants;
 – Free Milagro Sala and the political prisoners of Tupac Amaru organization;
 – Stop inhuman treatment of female inmates;
 – Restore retirement funds for housewives;
 – Socialization of domestic labor and caregiving;
 – Indemnity for trans people who have suffered institutional violence (…)

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Argentina is now suffering a conservative restoration ...

… within the economy and society by the autoritarian government of M. Macri.
… within the economy by the communist government of M. Macri. X
… within society by the authoritarian government of C.F.K.

Over the recent years, the mainstream media has been implementing …

… a campaign of promotion of labour precarisation.
… a campaign of promotion of femicide and objectification of women. X
… a campaign of promotion of civil rights.

Now there is a group of indigenous women incarcerated …

… as political prisoners because of their activism. X
… as assassins because of political crimes.
… as hooligans.

Some women are imprisoned …

… even for not being able to kill their children.
… even for being able to defend their children against violent relatives. X
… even for being unable to defend their children against violent relatives.
In the case of transgender women, there is an intent …

… to defend them as such.
… to destroy them as such. x
… to love them as they are.

(yo marqué con una X las que pensé que estaban bien y el profe me dijo que hay errores)

taenosh: mucho texto

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por juanmanuelholguin


f trfu tgik puh tgff ug  bff fvuyf  dss ufujb igtg


frt std ijuhbbvnbgbu gtt

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