Inglés, pregunta formulada por al2111, hace 16 horas

hola ¿saben cómo se dice en inglés?:
Paul bunyan era un niño grande cuando nació se necesitaron 7 AVES GIGANTES Paul creció tan rápido que si mamá tuvo que hacerle sus pantalones de cobijas.Sus camisetas eran de sábanas,en poco tiempo era más grande que los árboles. era más fuerte que NADIE y era muy grande para dormir en una casa así que dormía en el granero Paul y sus papás vivían en los grandes bosques del norte
un día Paul vio entre la nieve unos ojos azules quitó la nieve y era un BUEY congelado por el frío y el buey creció tanto como Paul y Paul se convirtió en leñador podía cortar 10 árboles de un achazo después el bosque NO tenía árboles y ahora son las runas y volvieron a los bosques del sur a seguir talando árboles y siguen hay desde entonces.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Pan707

Respuesta: Paul bunyan was a big boy when he was born it took 7 GIANT BIRDS Paul grew up so fast his mom had to make his pants out of blankets. His t-shirts were out of sheets, in no time he was bigger than trees. he was stronger than ANYONE and he was too big to sleep in a house so he slept in the barn Paul and his parents lived in the great north woods

one day Paul saw blue eyes in the snow he shoveled the snow and it was an OX frozen by the cold and the ox grew as much as Paul and Paul became a lumberjack he could cut down 10 trees at a time later the forest had NO trees and now they are the ruins and returned to the southern forests to continue felling trees and have been there ever since.

al2111: gracias por contestar rápido la necesitaba en 10 minutos por qué alguien viene a mi casa muchísimas gracias
Pan707: antes que la copies me acabo de dar cuenta que hay una palabra mal pero ya la corregi xd
Contestado por sofifxs

Paul bunyan was a big boy when he was born it took 7 GIANT BIRDS Paul grew up so fast that if mom had to make his pants out of blankets. His t-shirts were out of sheets, in no time he was bigger than trees. he was stronger than ANYONE and he was too big to sleep in a house so he slept in the barn Paul and his parents lived in the great north woods
one day Paul saw blue eyes in the snow he shoveled the snow and it was an OX frozen by the cold and the ox grew as much as Paul and Paul became a lumberjack he could cut down 10 trees at a time later the forest had NO trees and now they are the runes and returned to the southern forests to continue cutting down trees and have been there ever since.
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