Inglés, pregunta formulada por Usuario anónimo, hace 16 horas

Hola, quien me ayuda con eso por favor. Lo necesito para hoy mismo


lizzyvilledab1: 1. Her name is sharon
2. she works at a restaurant
3. She is not tall
4. She does'nt have breakfast
5. No, she drives to the market
6. No, she cooks pizza
7. She buys vegetables,fruits and meat.
8. Yes, she cooks lunch at home
9. No
11. She buys food at the market
12. She has a break at 12 o ' clock to 3
13. She goes to bed at 10 pm

Espero te ayude me costo mucho
Usuario anónimo: discúlpame, es que ando copiando sus repuesta TvT ya le doy su estrellita. y mucha gracias
Usuario anónimo: discúlpame, es que ando copiando sus repuesta TvT ya le doy su estrellita. y mucha gracias
Usuario anónimo: ahhh presione sin querer TvT ya le doy sus 5 estrellas. no se me enojé
Usuario anónimo: podrías comentarlo de. nuevo y así darle sus 5 estrellas:'3

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por lizzyvilledab1


1.  Her name is sharon

2. she works at a restaurant

3. She is not tall

4. She does'nt have breakfast

5. No, she drives to the market

6. No, she cooks pizza

7. She buys vegetables,fruits and meat.

8. Yes, she cooks lunch at home

9. No

11. She buys food at the market

12. She has a break at 12 o ' clock to 3

13. She goes to bed at 10 pm

Espero te ayude me costo mucho

Contestado por Usuario anónimo


past simple =)


parte 1

1. her name is Sharon

2. she works in a restaurant

3. no, she doesn't tall, she is short

4. no, she doesn't have breakfast in the morning

5. no, she doesn't wlak to the market, she drives

6. no , she doesn't buy pizza, she buys lots of food

7. no , she doesn't buy pizza, she buys vegetables and meat

8. no, she doesn't  cook lunch at the home, she cooks at the restaurant

9. she cooks pasta, pizza and steak

10. she goes to bed at 10 pm

parte 2

parte C

1. didn't watch

2. didn't eppear

3. didn't look

4. didn't close

5. didn't follow

6. didn't dissapear

7. didn't wait

8. didn't recognise

9. didn't identify

10. didn't apologise

11. didn't like

12. didn't admit

parte D

1. did she blush

2. did caroline like

3. did you

4. did mum cook

5. did he ask

6. did the girl enjoy

7. did you visit

8. did charles arrive

9. did the secretary cancel

10. did mrs. clark water

11. did the cat scratch

12. did your sister type

parte E

1. i didn't walk to school/ did your walk to school?

2. The car didn't stop at the traffic lights/ did he car stop at the traffic lights?

3. the boys didn't play chess / did the boys didn't play chess ?

4. i didn't talk to andrew / did your talk to andrew?

5. michael didn't work till late / did michael  work till late ?

6. the baby cry all night/ did the baby cry all night?

Usuario anónimo: podrías comentarlo de nuevo y darle sus 5 estrellas:'>
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