Inglés, pregunta formulada por Soniademaite, hace 1 año

Hola necesito una leyenda guaranii Tradicional XFA?? y otra Urbana En español traducida en Ingles?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por juandavidfonsepbi6au

Leyenda guarani:

Caá Porá (Ghost of the mountain)

Fantastic entity of the Guaraní belief. He is represented as a man of gigantic size, monstrous and hairy, who smokes a pipe made with a human skull and tibia and devours people sucking it.

But other times, Caa-Porá can appear under the aspect of a black and evil man who hits the hunters and their dogs, preventing them from working. And other times it can appear as a beautiful woman who undresses, causes the madness of men who enter the depths of the jungle.

He is described as a hairy giant with a great head, who lives in the mountains and eats raw animals that the man kills but can not find or flee wounded to die away from the hunter.

This hairy man who appears to the hunters mounted on the last pecari of the herd they are exterminating, to leave them idiotized forever or bring them other misfortunes. That is why many are careful to incur such exterminations.

Leyenda urbana:

Area 51. Located in Nevada, Area 51 is a military base of the US government where many claim there is evidence of extraterrestrial life. Even supposed videos of an autopsy of a little green man were spread as proof of the legend. It is also said that extraterrestrial ships are kept there, contact and exchange is made with them or other types of supernatural experiences.

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