Inglés, pregunta formulada por BarbiDoblas7, hace 1 año

Hola necesito una historia de terror en ingles por favor :) (es para hacer un cómic) .

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por julietth

On a trip to Cullera Valencia capital, instead of the valencia coast that were almost coming, a South American marriage suffered a sighting that were not really aware.It was still day and only remembered the shrill sound of the radio and the lights coming towards them blinding them.Nothing else. They not remember anything else.Upon awakening they saw that they were in the gutter, with the car running and in a state of semi-sleep. They woke up and went their way while they wondered what had happened.- What time is it? He asked the husband looking at his watch.- Five o'clock. But he answered his woman.- stands, I can not assure you.The man realized that his time coincided with the woman watch but you missed something: the evening was coming to an end, it showed in the sky.They arrived a few minutes to Cullera and the first thing the man did was enter a watch:All watches marked the five p.m., and as his and his wife were standing all. The owner went from one to another by putting up, giving rope, looking batteries.The South American was presented and confessed what he had worried what the owner of the watch replied:- Today something strange happened, all clocks Store have stopped at five in the afternoon.

espero que te ayude
Contestado por kittycat9
One day, a worried neighbour called the police because he heard horrible screams coming from the lady who lived next door. When the police arrived to her house, the lady was dead next to the toilet, where there were a thousand baby shrimps she gave birth to. They found a lot of lesbian porno magazines next to the lady's bathtub and a gigantic lobster in her trash can. Apparently, she bought the lobster at a local fish market and masturbated with it and using a lighter to disturb it so it would move wildly. The lobster had eaten the shrimps before and it excreted them as a way of protection. The shrimps incubated inside the lady's v-jayjay and were born two days later. en español Un día , un vecino preocupado llamó a la policía porque escuchó gritos horribles que vienen de la señora que vivía al lado . Cuando la policía llegó a su casa , la mujer había muerto al lado del inodoro , donde había mil camarones bebé que dio a luz . Encontraron una gran cantidad de revistas pornográficas lesbianas junto a la bañera de la dama y una langosta gigantesca en su bote de basura. Al parecer, ella compró la langosta en un mercado de pescado local y se masturbó con él y usando un encendedor para perturbarlo por lo que se movía violentamente . La langosta se había comido los camarones antes y que ellos se excreta como una forma de protección. Los camarones se incuban dentro v - jayjay de la dama y nacieron dos días más tarde . o quiza esta otra MYTHS AND LEGENDS FROM SAN LUIS POTOSI: THE GHOST WAGON THE GHOST WAGON (Folk story from Vanegas, SLP) The story I’m about to tell you is true; it often happens here, in Vanegas. And I have seen it myself! On that side of the road ― “The Barrio”, as we call it ― a lot of people say that they often see an old wagon pass at midnight. Nothing else, just the mysterious shape of an old wagon, bumping slowly along the road, with a silent driver in a big, black cloak… Ghost Wagon - picture taken by Homero AdameWhat’s more, you can also hear the wagon, clattering and creaking, as it makes its way along the dusty, old, unpaved road. Homero Adame’s folk stories. The strange thing is that whenever anybody sees or hears the old wagon go by, everyone knows that something awful is going to happen. As you very well know, people don’t generally drive these old wagons anymore; they’re almost obsolete. Only a few small farmers still use them now and again, to carry their alfalfa or other crops at harvest time. So, it’s rather unusual to see such an old wagon these days. Now this is the good part of the story ― or maybe it’s the bad part, really! From time to time, feeling very brave as young people often do, some youth or other will start to follow the wagon. But guess what? When they see that the wagon drives straight to the cemetery, they all run away as fast as their legs can carry them. Then, the wagon drives straight through the locked gates and… disappears! en español esta otra MITOS Y LEYENDAS DE SAN LUIS POTOSI: EL FANTASMA DEL CARRO EL FANTASMA DEL CARRO (Popular de la historia de Vanegas, SLP) La historia que voy a decir es verdad; a menudo sucede aquí, en Vanegas. Y yo mismo lo he visto! En ese lado de la carretera - "El Barrio", como lo llamamos - un montón de gente dice que a menudo ven un pase viejo vagón a la medianoche. Nada más, sólo la misteriosa forma de un viejo vagón, chocando lentamente a lo largo de la carretera, con un conductor en silencio en una gran capa, negro ... Ghost carro - imagen tomada por de más, también se puede escuchar el vagón, estrépito y chirriante Homero AdameWhat, ya que hace su camino a lo largo del viejo camino polvoriento, sin pavimentar. cuentos populares de Homero Adame. Lo extraño es que cada vez que alguien ve o escucha el viejo vagón pasar, todo el mundo sabe que algo terrible va a suceder. Como usted sabe muy bien, la gente por lo general no conducen estos viejos vagones más; son casi obsoletos. Sólo algunos pequeños agricultores todavía los utilizan de vez en cuando, para llevar a su alfalfa y otros cultivos durante la cosecha. Por lo tanto, es bastante raro ver a un viejo vagón en estos días. Ahora bien, esta es la parte buena de la historia - o tal vez es la parte mala, de verdad! De vez en cuando, sintiéndose muy valiente ya que los jóvenes hacen a menudo, algunos jóvenes u otro comenzarán a seguir el carro. ¿Pero adivina que? Cuando ven que el vagón conduce directamente al cementerio, todos ellos corriendo tan rápido como sus piernas se pueden llevar a ellos. A continuación, el carro conduce directamente a través de las puertas cerradas y ... desaparece! Así o más terrorífica. Si quieres historias o relatos en otros tiempos verbales sólo avísame y estaré feliz de ayudarte.

nataliiaem01: Hola! un pregunta, tu historia es inventada o la sacaste de internet? Lo pregunto por si puedo cogerla yo tmb para un trabajo q tengo q hacer.
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