Inglés, pregunta formulada por brisartti, hace 9 meses


NEW INFORMATION IN HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION Reported by: Jaime Meyers Last Update: 5/30 8:11a.m. Two men were camping, one ends up dead, the other under arrest. Now a police report is shedding some light on what happened. An autopsy indicated that 19 year old Andrew Bosley was stabbed more than 100 times. The affidavit lays out the case against the suspect, 34 year old Jason Armstrong. 5 It includes many incriminating statements Armstrong allegedly said to his wife, the police officers and the ambulance workers. Police were called to Jason Armstrong's home in Fairfield at 5:30 Wednesday morning for a domestic dispute. He wasn't there but his wife said when he returned early form camping with Bosley his clothes were bloody. The affidavit states the wife told the officer "that Jason told her that he killed Andy". 10 While the officer was speaking with the wife, Armstrong pulled up to the house. The front end of his car damaged, and the airbags were exploded. Armstrong was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Armstrong commented the ambulance workers he crashed his car in a ditch while he was driving to get beer. "Armstrong then related he had killed that man. Ambulance personnel asked Armstrong what he meant and Armstrong stated, I said something to make him mad or something. He pulled out his knife 15 and I pulled out mine, I'm afraid he is dead." When the ambulance workers asked who he was talking about, the chief says Armstrong answered "Andy Bosley". A State Trooper arrived at the camping area, 500 yards from Ski Run Trail and found the body of Bosley. His report says Bossley had: * Stab/slash wounds on the back. V Multiple stab/slash wounds on the chest Defensive wounds on the arms V A cut to the right palm V A four inch deep cut/slab on the right side of the throat The right ear was cut/severed off The body was also badly burned on the upper torso and left arm 25 Armstrong is currently at the Adams County Prison. Copyright 2008 Newport Television LLC All rights reserved. 20​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por medinacrdedavidfelip


She was forgetting she was angry but he started a fight. / Ella estaba olvidando que estaba enojada pero él comenzó una pelea.

I met my new employer when we were travelling from Australia. / Conocí a mi nuevo empleador cuando estábamos viajando desde Australia.

They were improving the service. / Estaban mejorando el servicio.

He was trying to change their mind. / Estaba intentando que cambiaran de opinion.

He wasn’t paying enough. / Él no estaba pagando lo suficiente.

We were looking for new restaurants. / Estábamos buscando nuevos restaurants.

Was he telling the truth? / ¿Estaba diciendo la verdad?

He wasn’t thinking straight. / No estaba pensando claramente.

It was raining so I decided to stay home. / Estaba lloviendo así que decidí quedarme en casa.

We weren’t trying to break it. / No estábamos intentado romperlo.

We were talking but she had to hang up. / Estábamos hablando pero ella tuvo que cortar.

We were still finishing dessert when they brought the bill. / Todavía estábamos terminando el postre cuando trajeron la cuenta.

Was he behaving well? / ¿Se estaba comportando bien?

I bought this painting when we were visiting Florida. / Compré esta pintura cuando estábamos visitando Florida.

We were not looking for anything special. / No estábamos buscando nada especial.

We were watching a movie, that’s why I didn’t pick up the phone. / Estábamos viendo una película, por eso no atendí el teléfono.

We were beginning to lose hope but we found a solution. / Habíamos empezado a perder la fe, pero encontramos una solución.

I was looking for my keys. / Estaba buscando mis llaves.

We were not getting to an agreement. / No estábamos llegando a un acuerdo.

We were paying too much for the service. / Estábamos pagando demasiado por el servicio.

Were they having fun? / ¿Se estaban divirtiendo?

He was making new friends but he had to go to another school. / Estaba haciendo nuevos amigos pero tuvo que ir a otra escuela.

I was only learning to cook back then, I wasn’t a professional cook yet. / Sólo estaba aprendiendo a cocinar en esa época, todavía no era un cocinero profesional.

We were walking in the park. / Estábamos caminando por el parquet.

We were enjoying the party. / Estábamos disfrutando de la fiesta.

He was tasking the wines when I arrived. / Él estaba provando los vinos cuando llegué.

I wasn’t touching anything. / No estaba tocando nada.

They were practicing violin. / Estaban practicando violín.

I was working in a small company when my current boss offered to hire me. / Estaba trabajando en una pequeña empresa cuando mi jefe actual ofreció contratarme.

They were talking for hours. / Estuvieron hablando durante horas.

He was helping me with the car. / Él estaba ayudándome con el coche.

They were watching a horror movie. / Estaban mirando una película de terror.

I was looking for my dog. / Estaba buscando a mi perro.

Schientist were struggling with the problem /Los científicos estaban lidiando con el problema.

The children were playing in the pool / Los niños estaban jugando en la piscina.

Were you watching a movie? / ¿Estaban mirando una película?

Was he doing something useful? / ¿Estaba haciendo algo útil?

They were not getting near the answer. / No se estaban acercando a la respuesta.

He was already becoming a famous doctor in his twenties. / Ya se estaba convirtiendo en un medico famoso a los veinte años.

She was not cooking for the party. / No estaba cocinando para la fiesta.

Was the printer working this morning? / ¿Estaba funcionando la impresora esta mañana?

He was dating Sally for years. / Estuvo saliendo con Sally durante años.

He wasn’t helping. / No estaba ayudando.

Were you studying for the test? / ¿Estabas estudiando para el examen?

He was teaching a new game to his friends / Estaba enseñando un nuevo juego a sus amigos.

I wasn’t drinking enough water. / No estaba bebiendo suficiente agua.

He wasn’t worrying at all. / No se estaba preocupando para nada.

Were they asking for me? / ¿Estaban preguntando por mí?

I wasn’t hearing anything. / No estaba oyendo nada.

Things were changing very fast. / Las cosas estaban cambiando muy rápido.


brisartti: no es el midmo texto que puse
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