Inglés, pregunta formulada por dubrandischio51, hace 11 meses

hola necesito ayuda con esto: Make promises to help your city be a better place

-Write 6 sentences using will or won t

para ya porfis

para porfis

fbccasanova: Dime la ciudad que vives para poder mencionarla
dubrandischio51: en Maracaibo

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por fbccasanova


My city will have a program to help homeless people, they will have food and water at all times. My city will have a kiosk where you will be able to recycle and they will pay you for recycling all your bottles. You won’t have to worry about going out at night because cops will catch all the bad guys. My city will have a community park where all the kids will hang around. My city will provide all public schools free iPads and WiFi for free, so kid's wont have excuses about not doing their homework online. My city will make the minimum wage $16.

Remplazar “My City” con tu ciudad.

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