Inglés, pregunta formulada por aliseaapm2, hace 16 horas

Hola, me gustaría que alguien que sepa inglés me pueda dedicar unos minutos de su tiempo para poder traducirme este comentario. Lo agradecería muchísimo

Las redes sociales tienen sus virtudes aunque muchos inconvenientes por eso han afectado tanto en nuestra sociedad.

Las personas nos pasamos bastantes horas detrás de una pantalla ya sea un ordenador, una tablet o incluso la televisión pero principalmente en el móvil, sobre todo los jóvenes. Las más visitadas son el WhatsApp, el Instagram y el Tiktok aunque te permitan relacionarte con otras personas y tener un rato de diversión también tienen sus inconvenientes ya que mucha de nuestra información privada se la estamos dando a estas plataformas. Además de esto muchas personas lo usan para burlase de otra gente o incluso llegar a amenazarlos.

En conclusión las redes sociales han contribuido positivamente en nuestro mundo pero hay que usarlas de forma correcta porque nunca sabemos el daño que podemos ocasionar.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por nanishotcakes


Social networks have their virtues but many drawbacks, which is why they have affected our society so much.

People spend many hours behind a screen, whether it is a computer, a tablet or even the television, but mainly on the cell phone, especially young people. The most visited are WhatsApp, Instagram and Tiktok although they allow you to interact with other people and have a fun time also have their drawbacks since much of our private information we are giving it to these platforms. In addition to this many people use it to make fun of other people or even threaten them.

In conclusion, social networks have contributed positively in our world but we must use them correctly because we never know the damage that we can cause.


Espero t sirva! <3

Contestado por eduaucedaa28



Hello, I would like someone who knows English to spend a few minutes of their time to translate this comment for me. I would really appreciate it

Social networks have their virtues, although many inconveniences have affected our society so much.

People spent many hours behind a screen, be it a computer, a tablet or even the television, but mainly on the mobile, especially young people. The most visited are WhatsApp, Instagram and Tiktok, although they allow you to interact with other people and have some fun, they also have their drawbacks since we are giving a lot of our private information to these platforms. In addition to this, many people use it to make fun of other people or even threaten them.

In conclusion, social networks have contributed positively to our world, but we must use them correctly because we never know the damage we can cause.

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