Inglés, pregunta formulada por juandie04896, hace 5 meses

Hola gente me podrían ayudar DOY 5 ESTRELLAS Y CORAZÓN a realizar 15 oraciones afirmativas 15 oraciones negativas y 15 oraciones interrogativas con respuestas afirmativas y negativas en inglés utilizando el tiempo futuro simple​

juandie04896: gracias
25burbanoi: las primera son en afirmativo
25burbanoi: luego las de esa coma arriva son negativas
25burbanoi: las q tienen "will" son de futuro
25burbanoi: y las de signo de pregunta son pregunta
juandie04896: gracias
juandie04896: me das 15 interrogativas
25burbanoi: Whose book did you bring me?
When are the best days to go to the mall?
What kind of music do you want to dance to?
How many topics do you have to study?
Did we make a cake for you ?
What kind of music do you like?
Did you take your vitamin this morning?
What do you think about this subject?
25burbanoi: How did it get so late so soon?
How many movies did you watch this month?
How far is it between the school and the house?
Should I call or email you?
Why are so scared of me?
Who fixed the computer?
How many times do you smoke?
juandie04896: gracias

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por 25burbanoi


She reads the newspaper every day

We come to school by bus

You work very hard every day

She likes to do sports on Monday

He always walks to school

He studies for his French class

She eats sushi every day

She reads at the library

He always takes the bus

They like to party

I speak many languages

I like to go to my house

You always play with me

They aren't happy with that

He isn't wearing the appropriate clothes  

They are not from Ecuador.

He wasn't eating white rice.

We were not sad when he moved away.

They don't practice yoga.

She did not like Bikhram yoga.

He doesn't have to commute to work.

They will not be joining us for dinner tonight.

She won't be attending the Met Gala this year.

These aren't pistachios.

They weren't playing poker.

What is the right way to iron a shirt?

When are the best days to go to the mall?

Where is your new cat?

Why is the sky blue?

How are you today?

Who is the best shortstop in the Major Leagues?

To whom shall I give the test results?

Whose socks are these?

Which is the best route to the circus?

I will give a speech in the program.

Robert will be going to the varsity.

Tom will have reached the place by now.

I will be singing modern songs in the program.

I will help you to do the project.

Alice will assist you in this case.

We will have reached home before you come.

Robin will come to our place.

Alana will sing country songs in the program.

Bob will write a poem.

Ben will do the assignment.

Henry will be traveling to Italy in March.

I will meet you in the evening.

We will watch a movie this Friday.

Patrick will have been cooking the meal before you reach home.

Dona will prepare the dessert.

They will arrange a party at their home.

Tom will be upset after hearing this.

Aric will have gone to meet his cousin before he comes here.

I will perform the role of heroin in the play.

Contestado por yocelindanna

Sólo te daré 10 de cada una



I por some milk in mi tea/ le pongo un poco de leche a mi te

She will be back in a few hourus/ella regresará en unas horas

The doctor can see you now/el médico puede verla ahora

I will spend so me money on this/gastare algo de dinero en esto

He bought something for lunch/compro algo para el almuerzo

She arrives on time for dinner/ella gana tiempo para la cena

He admits he's the thief/admite que es el ladron

They will bring cake/traerán pastel

You must tell the truth/debes decir la verdad

The teacher let us leave early/ el profesor nos permitió irnos antes


I don 't put ani milk mi tea/no le pongo leche a mi te

She won 't be back in a few hours/ella no regresará en unas horas

The doctor can 't see you now/el doctor no puede verla ahora

I won 't spend ani money on this/no gastare dinero en esto

He didn 't buy anything for lunch/no compro nada para el almuerzo

She doesn 't arrives on time for dinner/ella no llega a tiempo para la cena

He doesn 't admit he 's the thief/no admite que es el ladrón

They will not bring cake/ no traerán pastel

You must not tell the truth/no debes de decir la verdad

The teacher didn 't let us leave early/el profesor no nos permitió irnos antes

Y las interrogativas

Were you eating? / estabas comiendo?

Where did you find that? / donde encontraste eso?

How much?/¿cuanto?

¿did he?/¿lo hizo?

¿when was it?/¿cuándo fue?

¿who was?/¿quién fue?

Do you believe that?/¿tu crees eso?

Don 't you?/¿tu no?

Weren't you there?/¿no estabas ahi?

Are you sure?/estas seguro?

Termine me das cronista plis?

Otras preguntas