Inglés, pregunta formulada por rebe2109, hace 21 días

hola chicos y chicas bienvenidos a un nuevo concurso jaja hoy estaré durante el resto del día estaré publicando ejersisios de inglés que creo que son 2
Recuerden que si la respuesta es correcta los seguiré y les daré coronita
Bueno sin mas preámbulos comencemos ​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por reginabetzabee1


  1. What personal pronoun can you use?
  • Is
  • is
  • are
  • is
  • are
  • is
  • is
  • is
  • is
  • are
  • is

   2. Choose the correct form of the verb BE(am, is, are)

  • I am at school
  • The teacher is late
  • We are students
  • My friends are John and Jack
  • Helen and i are in the same class
  • The room is room 201
  • The class is over there
  • John is in my class
  • Sally and Amy are teachers
  • Here you are
  • My name is Molly
  • Is is nice to meet you
  • They are in room 201
  • We are students here
  • He is a maths teacher



He, she, it>Is

They, We, You>Are

rebe2109: La primera actividad no está bien pero lo demás sí
Contestado por arianakiara08



the teacher, Sarah -> is

the theacher, John -> is

mi friends -> are

Helen -> is

Helen and I -> are

the room -> is

Mrs Taylor -> is

the class -> is

John -> is

Sally and Amy -> are

my name -> is


I am at school.

The teacher is late.

We are the students.

My friends are John and Jack.

Helen is my friend.

Helen and I are in the same class.

The room is room 203.

You are in my class.

I am in you class.

Mrs Taylor is your teacher.

She is in room 201.

The class is over there.

Jonh is in my class.

Sally and Amy are teachers.

Here you are.

My name is Molly.

It is nice to meet you.

They are in room 201.

We are students here.

He is a matte teacher.

NOTA: Al transcribir la oración creo que puse mal porque la imagen no esta en una super calidad pero el verbo be esta bien.

rebe2109: Okey
rebe2109: deja checo
Otras preguntas