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Resumen de “Maria’s dilemma”.
María encuentra el cuerpo de una mujer muerta en el río. Lo primero que piensa Maria que es sobre el collar que tiene la mujer. Ella podría haber vendido el collar, pero lo entrega a la policía. Ella habla con su compañero de apartamento y María llama por teléfono a la policía. La policía se dirige al departamento de María y le pregunta sobre todo lo sucedido. Maria aparece en los periódicos. Algunos detectives la visitan y la entrevistan. María va a un castillo, el castillo del señor Barry. El Sr. Beecham le da una caja muy pequeña, donde estaba un collar de esmeraldas. En este cuadro hay dos cosas: una hoja de papel y una llave. Un día, María recibió una invitación de Melvin Beecham para comer en este castillo. Paga los estudios de María y su estancia en el castillo durante todo el verano.
Respuesta:Maria couldn't sleep, so she went for a walk beside the river and suddenly found a dead woman with a shoe, a green dress and a necklace. Mary took that to pay for her studies and went to her house and there she told her partner about the dead woman but not about the necklace, so her partner went to call the police. The next day, Maria was in the newspaper and the newspaper said that the woman was more aggressive, that she lived in the castle and that Maria found her five kilometers from the castle. After that, two policemen went to Maria's room and asked about Harriet and her necklace. and she said she didn't know anything about the necklace. she went to college and realized that someone was following her, so she asked him what was following her and he said he was Harriet's sister's husband and he took a paper and put the number there and gave it to him. He gave it to Mary. She went to her class and after college she went with yuri to the cafe and looked at a man with a black bag looking at her, after she went to her room. At the castle, Barry asked Lisa for a safe place from Harriet to find out if the necklace was there and then spoke with Pepe about Harriet's death and Pepe killed her because Harriet had cassettes with the fight between Barry and Pepe about her business. Then Melvin asked Barry about Lisa and him about a safe place in Harriet, but Malvin didn't answer. After that, Maria didn't know what to do with the necklace, but she finally called Malvin to be in the cafe when he was there, cooled it on the collar and then, when they were in Maria's room, about the black man , he gave the necklace to him. then Melvin went to the police station and told the police everything, so they went to the banck to see what was there and saw that there were cassettes with the combersation between Billy and Pepe about their business. maría told everithing to yuri and then she went to her room. The next morning she recived a letter with an invitation to the castle and she went, and there melvin said thet he is going to pay her studies.