himno nacional del peru en ingles
Respuestas a la pregunta
We are free! May we always be so,
and let the lights be denied before the lights, of the sun! Before we break the solemn vow
which the homeland elevated to the Eternal,
For a long time the oppressed Peruvian
the ominous chain he dragged
Condemned to a cruel servitude
for a long time, he quietly moaned
But as soon as the sacred cry
Freedom! in its coasts was heard
the slaves' indolence shakes
the humiliated neck raised up...
Now the roar of rough chains
that we had heard for three centuries of horror
from the free, at the sacred cry
that the world heard astonished, ceased.
Everywhere the inflamed San Martín
"Freedom", "Freedom" he pronounced;
and the Andes, rocking their base,
announced it as well, in unison.
With its influx the peoples woke up,
and like lighting ran the opinion;
from the Isthmus to the Tierra del Fuego,
and from Tierra del Fuego to the icy regions.
Everyone vowed to break the link
that Nature denied to both worlds,
and break the sceptre that Spain
had reclined, proudly, on both.
Lima fulfilled this solemn vow,
and, severe, its anger showed
by throwing out the powerless tyrant,
who had been trying to extend his oppression.
On its endeavor the shackles cracked,
and the furrows that it had repaired in itself
stirred up its hatred and vengeance,
inherited from its Inca and Lord.
Countrymen, may we see it a slave no more.
If for three centuries it moaned, humiliated,
forever may we swear it'd be free,
maintaining its own splendor.
Our arms, until today unarmed,
be they always readying the cannon,
that some day the beaches of Iberia
will feel the horror of its roar.
May we arouse the jealousy of Spain
since it has a premonition, with want and furor,
that in a contest of great nation
sour country will enter in comparison.
On the list formed by these
we shall fill the line first,
ahead of the ambitious Iberian tyrant,
who devastated all of America.
On its summits may the Andes sustain
the two-color flag or standard,
may it announce to the centuries the effort
that being free, that being free
that being free gave us forever.
Under its shadow may we live calmly
and, at birth of the sun in its summits,
may we all renew the great oath
that we rendered, to the God of Jacob.