Historia, pregunta formulada por taeynaile, hace 5 meses

hide-and-seek hopscotch jacks sack race spinning top tag
1. In this game, one person runs after the other players to touch
them. When this person touches another, he or she becomes the
new person who runs after the others. tag
2. People jump in some big bags from a starting point to a finish line.
The first to arrive wins.
3. Many people
can play this game. One person covers his or her
eyes and counts to a specific number. The rest of the people hide
in different places. When
the person finishes counting he or she
starts looking for the rest of the players.
4. First, one person needs to draw some squares on the floor with
numbers 1 to 8. People take turns to throw a little stone in every
square. Then, they hop, skipping the square with the pebble,
lo necesito urgente​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por armoadavid8p


what = U don't understand what it is



Contestado por MichaelSpymore1

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

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Answer 1: tag: In this game, one person runs after the other players to touch them. When this person touches another, he or she becomes the new person who runs after the others.

Answer 2: sack race: People jumping in some big bags from a starting point to a finish line. The first to arrive wins.

Answer 3: hide-and-seek: Many people can play this game. One person covers his or her eyes and counts to a specific number. The rest of the people hide in different places. When the person finishes counting he or she starts looking for the rest of the players.

Answer 4: hopscotch: First, one person needs to draw some squares on the floor with numbers 1 to 8. People take turns to throw a little stone in every square. Then, they hop, skipping the square qith the pebble.


Respuesta 1: pilla-pilla: En este juego, una persona corre detrás de los otros jugadores para tocarlos. Cuando esta persona toca a otra, él o ella se convierte en la nueva persona que corre detrás de los demás.

Respuesta 2: carrera de sacos: personas que saltan en bolsas grandes desde un punto de partida hasta una línea de meta. El primero en llegar gana.

Respuesta 3: escondite: muchas personas pueden jugar a este juego. Una persona se cubre los ojos y cuenta hasta un número determinado. El resto de la gente se esconde en diferentes lugares. Cuando la persona termina de contar, él o ella comienza a buscar al resto de jugadores.

Respuesta 4: rayuela: Primero, una persona tiene que dibujar unos cuadrados en el suelo con los números del 1 al 8. Las personas se turnan para tirar un guijarro en cada cuadrado. Luego, saltan a la pata coja, saltando el cuadrado con el guijarro.

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Michael Spymore

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