Inglés, pregunta formulada por Usuario anónimo, hace 5 meses

Help, tarea de inglés acerca de los "conditional"​


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Contestado por Treadonme

Tema: conditionals


Completar las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos.

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I) A. Type 0 Conditional

1. If the sun rises high, it becomes very hot.

2. Plants die if it does not rain.

3. People get fat if they eat junk food.

4. If a person practises sports, he or she always feels good.

B. Type 1 Conditional

1. If you cook the supper, I will wash the dishes.

2. She will pass the test if she studies hard.

3. If it is sunny, we will go to the park.

4. Paula will be sad if Juan leaves.

C. Type 2 Conditional

1. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.

2. If dogs had wings, they would be able to fly.

3. If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain.

4. Paula would be sad if Juan left.

II) 1. If you boil water, it turns into steam.

2. If I were an astronaut, I would take photos of Turkey from space.

3. If you put a stone in the water, it goes down.

4. If you put oil into water, it floats.

5. If there were no water on Earth, we wouldn't exist.

6. If you were a bird, where would you fly to?

7. Anna will pass the test if she studies hard enough.

8. If you heat ice, it melts.

9. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

10. If he gets any worse, I will take him to the doctor's.

11. If the snow gets any worse, we will have to stop walking.

12. If ice melts, it turns into water.

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Usamos el condicional cero para hablar de verdades generales y hechos científicos.  

¿Cómo se forma?  

If + present simple, present simple  

También se pueden invertir las cláusulas:  

Present simple, if + present simple

El primer condicional se usa para hablar de situaciones posibles o reales, ya sea en el presente, futuro o en general.  

¿Cómo se forma?  

If + presente simple, sujeto + will (not) + infinitivo  


Sujeto + will (not) + infinitivo + if + presente simple

El segundo condicional se usa para hablar de situaciones hipotéticas o poco probables, ya sea en el presente, futuro o en general.  

¿Cómo se forma?  

If + past simple, would / wouldn’t + bare infinitive      


Would / wouldn't + bare infinitive, if + past simple  


En la estructura donde la cláusula condicional (la que lleva "if") va primero, siempre se coloca una coma entre ambas cláusulas. Por ejemplo:      

"If I am hungry, I get grumpy."

Si usamos el verb to be en la cláusula condicional, se prefiere usar were en lugar de was sin importar el sujeto de la oración.

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Contestado por mjvo95

En inglés existen distintos tipos de condicionales, el "condicional cero", "primer condicional" "segundo condicional"

Type 0 Conditional

  1. If the sun rises high, it becomes very hot.
  2. Plants die, if it does not rain.
  3. People get fat, if they eat junk food.
  4. If a person practices sports, he or she always feel good.

Type 1 Conditional

  1. If you cook the supper, I will wash the dishes.
  2. She will pass the test if she studies hard.
  3. If it is sunny, we will go to the park.
  4. Paula is sad if Juan leaves

Type 2 Conditional

  1. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.
  2. If dogs had wings, they would be able to fly.
  3. If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain.
  4. Paula would be sad if Juan left.

Decide which conditional.

  1. If you boil water it turns into steam.
  2. If I were an astronaut I would take photos of Turkey from space.
  3. If you put a stone in the water if goes down.
  4. If you put oil into water it floats.
  5. If there was no water on Earth we wouldn't exist.
  6. If you were a bird, where would you fly?
  7. Anna will pass the test if she studies hard enough.
  8. If you heat ice it melts.
  9. I wouldn't do that if I were you.
  10. If he gets worse I will take him to the doctor's
  11. If the snow gets any worse, we will have to stop walking.
  12. If ice melts, it turns into water.


Los condicionales se usan para indicar que si sucede una acción cual es o cual sería su resultado probable.

  • Condicional Cero: se usa para hablar de situaciones reales en presente o que siempre pasan, ambas clausulas del condicional deben ir en presente simple y se puede usar tanto "if" como "when" y su significado no cambia.
  • Primer Condicional: se usa para hablar de situaciones que podrían pasar. Tiene una cláusula en presente simple y otra en futuro.
  • Segundo Condicional: Habla de algo imaginario o irreal y a la vez un resultado probable. Debe tener una cláusula en pasado simple y otra con el condicional would.

Puedes ver ejemplos de condicionales aquí

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